Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
Just Like Humans, Animals Lives Do Matter. Animals Help The Environment More Than Humans Do. Help . A Reference From Reference.com Said "Spiders ...
How I Feel About Immigration
Dear Upcoming President, You know of the controversy between t...
I am writing this letter to talk about the array thing that is animal cruelty.
Women are legally allowed to have an abortion and that law should be protected.!
Just because you like people of the same gender doesn't mean that your not human.
Blacks Should Have The Same Rights As Whites.
Abortion Is and Should Be Legal.
Dear Future President,
Police Brutality is a serious issue in are community's. In case you don't know what police brutality is please see examples of it in the Huffington...
We need to stop ISIS before more damage is done.
We need to do something about the lack of police training
Will you build a wall between the U.S and the Mexican Border?
We need to put an end to Abortion, Isis, "race war", and Illegal Immigration!
We need to help our homeless veterans.
how are you going to help the country?
Dear Presidential Candidate, The issue concerning me the most is the Black Lives Matter Movement. This matter has caught my attention because o...
Donald Trump has never served in public so it is difficult to find any information on Trump’s views on animal rights. Donald Trump’s sons recentl...
If you become President I hope you stop police brutality. I am tired of people saying black lives matter, because , in my opinion every ones l...
Dear Donald Trump , Although I am young I still have a voice and I feel that you should listen. From all the bogs and social media it seems that yo...
How are we going to help undocuemented immigrants become citizens of the United States?
The title of a song by The Notorious B.I.G. 1997. Even though this just a song, it is true. Our Congress waste money we sometimes don't even have,...