I think that teachers are underpaid so I did some research on it... It turns out that they are more underpaid then I thought. I also found out that...
Thousands of children are in an orphanage and are up for adoption for years and years and most heterosexual couples have there own child . In that ...
Terrorism is a big problem not just in the U.S but around the world and the next president needs to do something about it.
The military funding should be higher so we can defend and defeat other military and other terrorist groups.
Dear Mr. President. I am here to talk about “Gun control” "Some people think that it should stay the same I think that it should also stay the ...
"Racial profiling has destroyed trust in today's policemen" for instance if a black male has an expepensive car some policemen will pull them over ...
"All the reasons why schools should be starting later in the day, unlike now where almost all schools start before 8:30."
Animals need to be treated the same. Animal Abuse needs to stop NOW!!
We don't need money for a wall, but we need money for our future
The cost of education is way too high and many people cannot afford it.
We need to stop all of the animal cruelty in America NOW!
This letter is about homelessness.
I am writing about modern slavery and the sexual exploitation of women and girls...
Homelessness is disappointing because it is sad to see all those homeless people living on the streets and no where to live and nothing to eat.
Problems with illegal immigration in the US.
This paragraph is about my thoughts on education and how would I change it.
Marine Pollution is a huge issue affecting millions of marine wildlife every day.
Dear Mr.President here are some reasons co2 is to Blame. Co2 to blame? Co2 is destroying the earth:ex:co2 pollution in the water,air and in the so...
I am going to tell you why you should start worrying about the drug cartels that are going on in the United States.
I am going to be talking about gun control.
We do not need to ban firearms because they look "scary".