Sara T. Minnesota

What is happening to our resources and how can we stop it

We have a limited amount of resources in the world and we are running low and it is a big problem who want to drink dirty water or unclean air that is what is going to happen if we don't stop

Dear Future Present ,

What is happening to our resources and how can we stop it

The United States makes up less than 5 percent of the population on earth, yet we easily consume over 30 percent of its resources. While us humans would appear to be doing well, spreading our population like wildfire across the globe, the diminishing resources and other life forms on the planet tell a different story. "We are in the midst of a mass extinction an event not seen since the disappearance of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago," says Worldwatch Institute. Like the stats show the us is using 30% of the world's resources when places like haiti in africa they are slowly dying because they have bad water and no food and there dictator is ruthless and does nothing to stop the fights that are breaking out.I believe that the goal should be that we come up with a 7year plan to somehow spread out our resources or find a way make alternative resources I think that the future president should make his/her list of things to do while in office.

I think that is very important that we find new resources or new ways to find new resources fast because there's not enough to give to everyone there are already people starving and having unclean water and we need to start to fix that. Resources have to be there for people so we can live.You can last a week without water but you can live 2 weeks without food so what we need to do we need to focus on getting clean water first people can grow things and find things but water is a main cause of sickness especially in Africa. Then We need to develop different resources than we are using today because the ones we have are going to run out.The group estimates that it takes the equivalent of 1.6 Earths to support the world's population of more than 7 billion today, a number that's expected to grow to more than 9 billion by 2050, and up to 13.3 billion by 2100. If current trends in population growth and resource use continue, we'll need two Earths to meet the needs of the world's population every year, rather than just the one we actually have.Why does it matter?Because without resources we won't be able to dive cars we will have dirty air and no trees no clean water so we need to get to work on fixing this and soon.This is a huge problem that affects everyone so it should be taken lightly

I agree our natural resources are dwindling and we should start to dig in new places instead of trying to find new resources and waste that money.One of the former superpower of the world, Russia has the largest share of natural resources in the world. Due to its vast size, it covers most of the coal, timber and gold reservoirs. The second largest deposit of coal is found in Russia whereas it has the third largest reservoir of gold in the world. It has also the second largest deposit of earthly minerals in the world. The total amount of natural resources found in Russia is estimated up to the worth of $75.5 trillion.

Why does it matter?: because if we can have a good Relationship with Russia we will be able to have more resources more resources in the US and we also need to be able to dig in there so that we will have more resources to share with other countries.Those are some of the very many solutions that can help with this growing problem

What should the president do to resolve this issue- Solution???.He or she should have a meeting with the UN to come up with a plan to try to end or fix this problem.Global goal 11 sustainable cities and communities is what we should shoot for as a goal.How would this help the US support the UN’s initiative- and why does it matter? The united nations need to be a part of this because if just one country does it it won't help everyone all countries need to come up with a plain together.this should be a priority because this is a big problem and with the president on board it will happen faster and will be taken more serious.

it shows that in 2100 that we are going to hardly anything left to use this is shocking if you have never considered the consequences

By:Sara Thomas

Chaska Middle School East

Mrs. Johnson's 8th Grade Global Studies

Global Studies class letters connecting national issues to the UN's Global Goals.

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