The problems of Racial Profiling and Racism
Racial profiling is a challenge that continues to divide America. In order to heal as a nation, we much end this practice and work toward being a country of equals.
Racial profiling is a big problem in our America. Even though it is terrible, people still do it. For example, in a NYCLU article says that hundreds of normal law following black people are stop and frisked but only 1 out of 10 people are guilty. This shows Stop and Frisk doesn’t help our country at all and is clearly not needed in our America. It also says that the Police are accusing people that aren’t even doing anything wrong every day.
Police brutality is also a very big problem in our country. People are getting killed for no clear reason. It’s just unacceptable. At least 100 unarmed black people were killed in 2015. That means almost 2 people a week! This reveals that this happens frequently and is saying that all black people are at risk. Why would anyone do this? To add on, only 10 out of the 102 cases where an unarmed black person was killed by police ended in an officer getting charged with a crime. That’s less than 10 percent of the black unarmed people killed. This means that police are getting away with crime. But not any crime, murder.
So next president will you please do one thing and it doesn’t have to happen immediately but please stop all these problems with race and make all lives matter the same. This is a heart-breaking problem and it needs to be stopped. Next president just think of all the families of these people and how it affected them. They must of been destroyed. So please stop this so the country won’t end up like them, destroyed and lost.