Taylor H. California

Woman's Pay

Even in today's society, women are not getting paid an equal amount compared to a man doing the same job.

October 13, 2016

Dear Future President,

Throughout the United States, many women are not getting paid as much as men. Sometimes these women are living just fine, making it more difficult to notice how most women are not getting paid the equal amount of money as men for doing the same job. On the other hand, many women may make it noticeable how difficult it is living with their paycheck. Most of the women living off of this unequal paycheck are forced to make things work, because they have no to little support from other.

Women's rights have increased in major way since women gained the right to vote in 1920. The pay gap has decreased, and women are viewed as being able to uphold more jobs as well as a man. Though, there still is a large pay gap, about 21% of what a man makes is what a woman is able to take home and support a family (Washington Post). On a good note, the pay gap has decreased 6.3% (National Committee on Pay Equality)! Every hard-working women deserves a chance to getting paid an equal amount of money for working the same job.

The American Association of University Women is an organization that raises awareness for gender equality and the pay gap for doing the same job as man. This is an organization that wants to see a change in our nation, along with the other women of the United States. The AAUW empowers and teaches women to become leaders in their community, and provide educational and lifelong learning opportunities for women. Mr. or Mrs. President, what about the women who do not participate in this association?

So I leave this important matter up to you, Mr. or Mrs. President. I know that women want to see a change for equality, as well as all of the organizations designed to help women in need. I know that you can create change, so if you do to, then you can help all the women throughout the United States.


Taylor Harrison

San Diego, California

Rancho Bernardo High School


Mrs. Ugalde's sophomore writers

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