Daisy-Marie Z. New York


Inequality amongst gender and ethnicity is dividing our nation more and more.

Dear Future President,

A major problem that has been evolving throughout many years is inequality. This problem has affected society through mostly race and gender. Whether it’s unequal pay/wages due to race or just because a certain gender is supposedly “incapable” of taking on another gender's role, this is an issue that needs to be fixed. The way this should be handled is by making the economy more fair for society.

Racial inequality in the workplace continues to be a major issue. Many minorities have been discriminated by their color or ethnicity and treated unfairly throughout the process of them receiving wages. “Numerous surveys have asked African Americans and other racial minorities about their experiences with discrimination in the workplace.  A 2001 survey found that more than one-third of blacks and nearly 20% of Hispanics and Asians reported that they had personally been passed over for a job or promotion because of their race or ethnicity (Schiller 2004).  This just goes to show how immensely injust our society has become even with strict regulations or laws that supposedly “wipe out” this kind of behavior towards many diverse ethnicities, instead of protecting them and giving them an opportunity to contribute their role more efficiently in this country.

Inequality of gender within the workplace has created another huge issue that connects with discrimination. Women haven’t evolved to a point of receiving fair pay as they should.  According to the Institute For Women's Policy Research, “On an average, women continue to earn considerably less than men. In 2015, female full-tie workers made only 80 cents of every dollar earned by men, a gender wage gap of 20%. Women, on average, earn less than men in virtually every single occupation for which there is sufficient earnings data for both men and women to calculate an earnings ratio. In middle-skill occupations, workers in jobs mainly done by women earn only 66 percent of workers in jobs mainly done by men.” With this still going on, it’s only dividing the country more and more, as well as the people in it.

Some people may argue/think that the reason for having different wages amongst men and women is because “women's generally lower total earnings are a direct result of their work-life choices, not a consequence of employers who discriminate by gender in determining pay or granting promotions.” Or due to some women advocates believing that “lower pay follows women as they increasingly enter career fields that have traditionally been male-dominated”, allowing men to feel much more superior than women. This would be needed in order to not have so much power given to women. People also might say that racial inequality between minorities is beneficial because it keeps each person within their racial group. While  we still live in a segregated world, there are networks that split this issue into categories, such as saying that, “Whites help other whites, especially when unemployment is high. Although people from every background may try to help their own, whites are more likely to hold the sorts of jobs that are protected from market competition, that pay a living wage and that have the potential to teach skills and allow for job training and advancement.” This briefly demonstrates just how the opportunities amongst different racial groups, other than whites, are not distributed equally in order to guarantee them a successful  future economically.


As we evolve in a country that has fought so hard to gain rights, as well as constitutions and laws, there still seems to always be no change. No change with people, and no change with the world. So you, Mr. President, as a leader, should focus most on what can actually solve many problems in this country. Racial and gender inequality affects everyone around the world. This issue should be looked upon and taken more seriously in order to create a united community, as well as a fairer economy. I hope you take this letter into consideration and make a difference!


Daisy-Marie Zabala.