Stop Animal Testing
Dear Future President of the United States, Every year over 100 million animals are abused, poisoned, burned, and crippled in US labs.
Dear Future President of the United States,
Every year over 100 million animals are abused, poisoned, burned, and crippled in US labs.These animals are being used and abused for our materials, to make sure they are safe for us, without any regard for how it affects the animals. There is only one federal law, the Animal Welfare Act or AWA, that has been made in the US that regulates the treatment of these animals in research and exhibition. But even the animals that are “protected” under the AWA can still be abused and tortured. These animals deserve more protection and a better, painless life.
More can, and needs to be done to protect these innocent animals from being used and tortured for our own benefit. They are worthy of better lives and we can give them one if new measures are taken to help them. Many of these animals are not given pain relief or medical care when being used for experiments, because these labs don’t have to, and aren't forced to take any precautionary measures with the animals in mind. Why let them suffer? Non-animal research methods have proven to be more effective than the basic animal testing, and people need to know this so we can change our ways. Movements have also started to make sure our tax dollars and charity donations do not go towards these cruel practices. We need to remind people what is happening to these animals every day so they can be informed and join this movement to stop animal testing.