Michael W. California

Government funded trade schools

We lack government funded trade schools.

October 10, 2016

Dear Future President

My name is Michael Wilson. I am a sophomore at Pacific Coast Charter School in Watsonville, California. I am worried that young people are leaving school without the skills for today’s world. I think that government investment is needed for teaching young people skills that we need in order to find employment when we leave school.

Germany has many trade schools that teach students specific trades that will enable them to get a job after completion of the trade qualification. Germany’s unemployment rate is low may be because of this. Trade specialists such as carpenters, electricians, welders, drivers of heavy equipment such as cranes, plumbers and programmers are always in demand. Hopefully there will be many renewable energy jobs in the future and we will need skilled people for these jobs too.

A government funded trade school would attract kids that may not want or cannot afford to go to college, but want a skill so they can get a job. If Germany can do it, why can’t the US? I am asking you to propose a plan to help young people learn the skills required to find employment.


Michael Wilson