Issues that the future president needs to take care of.
Students from Mrs. Valponi's English I Honors class
The future president needs to have specific qualities in order for our country to function correctly.
Dear Future President, You must be organized and set goals and achievements for yourself that you know you can accomplish. There are so many thin...
Why we need to reevaluate gun laws in America.
The qualities our future president should have to make a good impact on our nation.
Dear Future President, This country is in a state of renewal. America needs you to do your best to keep this country great. In order to do thi...
What the qualities of a president should be and what s/he should be concerned about.
September 29, 2016 Dear Future Mr./Madame President, I hope everything is well, my name is Riley. I am writing in regards to the characteristics ...
Issues the next president should be concerned about.
Dear Future President, I hope that your presidency has been going well so far. I’m writing you this letter to discuss some issues that I feel shou...
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The United States needs to implement more rehabilitation services for inmates and individuals in the criminal justice system.
Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Aurora. These places have become almost synonymous with the mass shootings that took place there. It is estimated...
Millions of animals and people are dying from pollution every year, help stop pollution today.
Marijuana should be legal because people need it for medical reasons.
I think that equal rights are very important. This country focuses too much on differences. In my opinion, everyone should be treated the same, reg...
Racism is increasing!
Here you will find the issues, I think are important to perhaps others and myself that should be handled fast.
Gun violence in the United States is an extremely important issue and action needs to be taken in order to save people's lives.
College tennis players can easily make six figures, yet they are restricted to only receiving at most $10,000 a year in prize money.
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Stolen valor is the act of an individual portraying themselves as current or former military members when they have never served or completed servi...
Mr. Trump wants to increase military spending even with the issues of education and poverty in America needing to be solved.
My letter is about how our next President of the United States deals with the Islamic State (ISIS).
We need some improvements to help our country. We have been secretly invaded by terrorists, and it needs to stop.
The U.S government has not funded as much as they should into NASA and if they had, our space program would be way more advanced and what NASA is w...
For a couple years now the embargo has been restricting the country of Cuba from operating like a normal country
Discrimination is a major problem in the US that causes violence, and even death.
Police Brutality and Racial Inequality must be stopped.
Poor treatment of Native Americans and Alaska Natives is evident in education, poverty rates and job earnings, physical and mental health, substanc...
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