Teen Depression Views
Considering the high rate of teen depression in the country would you say we need to change or help prevent this in any way? I am asking this because i know too many people that have strong or high depression and I am a caring person, always wanting to help.

Dear Next President
Considering the high rate of teen depression in the country, would you say we need to change or help prevent this in any way? I am asking this because i know too many people that have strong or high depression. I am a caring person and always wanting to help others. It kills me inside seeing people I know and care for go through this. I wonder why adults either don't see it or for some reason choose not to deal with it. I've also been through this, so i know their pain. There is nothing i wouldn't do to make them happy so I was hoping you'd maybe look into more ways to help because its consuming the country quickly. Almost 1 or 2 of every 10 teens is depressed or 10 to 15 percent.
It seems like everything always goes back to money. Our country is so busy helping other countries when the people of this country are suffering. I am hoping that you our newly elected leader will consider keeping money in our country. Let's take care of our citizens and then worry about people from other countries.
Thank you for taking time to reading this letter.
Anthony Frum