Keeping a balance between homework and free time is healthy for students.
We can’t be expected to know what we’d like to do in the future if we’re not exposed to careers. All high school students should have access to div...
Every year high school seniors look to go to college the next fall. For some, that cannot happen because of the high prices of college.
After 4 years of working hard in high school, I deserve to go to the college of my choice regardless of my family's economic standing.
College rape is one of the biggest epidemics in sexual violence right now. There needs to be more justice for the victims. Victims are terrified to...
My letter is about College/College Tuition. College and College Tuition are very important issues in our world.
College Tuition is creating an uncrossible gap in education between the poor and the rest of society.
The school lunches are bad in the US this letter has a small solution to the problem...
Youth are the most targeted when it comes to sexual assault. College campuses are also known to be places where sexual assault takes place. We need...
Charter schools can help our educational system
College tuition is big thing in the United States and colleges in the United States are outrageous and should be fixed.
College debt is a very serious problem because it is increasing yearly, leaving students swimming in debt when they get out of college. With this b...
College tuition is getting in the way of other students achieving their education and life goals. I believe that the government can help make a bet...
The White House argued that parents relying on 529s were wealthy enough that they didn’t need as much help as lower income families. The truth is t...
Students pay too much for college. Education should be accessible to everyone.
My letter to the future president about my opinions on the problems of the United States of America
In this Letter a very important concern for School Budgets are addressed.
This letter is how college tuition around the world should be lowered. College education shouldn't be this high of a price.
Students in the United States want to go to college to succeed in their lives, their communities, and their futures, and they want to achieve their...
I wrote this to our next president regarding the issue of financial aid
Will average Americans like me be able to afford a college education?
The Common Core teaching goals are not teaching children correctly.
Why school should be from 9 am - 5 pm
The cost of higher education is out of reach for many that wish to go on to college.
College tuition seriously needs to be reduced. College tuition needs to be lowered to reduce the amount of student debt. In May of 2013, 61,762 peo...