A list on why Donald Trump has no business being POTUS.
A problem that has plagued the human race for years is the lack of trust and respect we have for one another.
Everyone should have equal human rights like anyone else in the U.S.
I believe that health insurance is a very expensive product that should be changed in the future.
I feel very strongly that the death penalty should be illegal. This is a letter to the presidential candidates trying to persuade them into vetoing...
The situation of immigration is at a high but we need to know how we should approach it and realize what consequences could come our action to cont...
This topic towards you are very skewed regarding LGBTQ rights. I have heard that you like/dislike the community and I just want a direct answer and...
Everyone should be equally treated to one another no matter what your sex, skin color, race, or religion is.
America used to be the nation where many countries look up to for admiration so why should we be change it so that it's no longer appealing to othe...
It is not fair that more than 45,00 churches refuse to marry gays. Gay and lesbian marriage should be recognized as a valid marriage. Churches shou...
No matter what gender, everyone deserves the same rights and privileges.
Mr.Trump,I have faith that if you try, you can make America great again, but I do see some minor problems that I hope you don't mind reading.
People in the LGBTQ+ community aren't always being treated as equals and we need to fix that.
People who are handicapped are being treated unfairly.
Women's wage gap in America today needs to end.
There are many issues that America is facing at the moment, equal rights and all lives matter is one of them.
Immigrants have the same rights as us American people. They should get treated the same way as Americans. They only came here for better experien...
We need common sense gun laws and all around stricter gun laws to solve gun violence.
Women need to be given equal rights and pay in America.
People need to realize that people will love who they love, and that they can't interfere with that.