Gun violence in America is currently a huge problem. There are many implementations that can be put in place in order to reduce the large number of...
Important facts regarding gun violence in the US and proposed solutions
My letter is an explanation of how to decrease the amount of violent crime and improve society.
What is the biggest threat to the U.S. right now? Guns.
This is a letter concerning the growing issue about police brutality throughout the United States.
Do playing violent video games cause people to become violent?
Taxes On the Middle class; What they can cause, and how to prevent it.
to be added
This letter is about violence and danger.
Gun control is not the only option. Our founding fathers made the second amendment for a reason. There is a way to control the violence in america ...
The United States government has enabled its citizens to take no responsibility for their actions, this has inevitably created the inactive citizen...
Is Anything ACTUALLY Free?
My letter is about gun control. Specifically that people with registered guns aren't causing the problems, We promote too much violence through med...
Violent video games are becoming a problem.
What would you rather have school all year with frequent breaks, better test scores, and higher taxes or vacation time, summer jobs, and better hea...
Abortion and undesired pregnancies are becoming more and more popular, and something needs to be done about it.
Its about the taxes and the people trying to make the world a better place.
Develops points against issues revolving illegal cannabis. As well as demonstrating points for the push of legalizing the use of Marijuana for recr...
Most kids don’t get to decide where they go to school; it’s based on where they live or where their parents want them to go. This not only affects...
A proposal to put a tax on a carbon based fossil fuels that will drive up costs for polluters and encourage growth in green energy fields
though many americans are wanting of tax cuts they are not as good as you would think
Why taxing women for their necessary hygiene products as a "luxury" is counterproductive, unprogressive, and frankly unfair.
My letter to the next president is about a topic I very much care about. I feel that gun control needs to called upon and change the laws in how we...
National debt
We need to stop violence in our world
Why are they getting away with this?