wesley New Mexico


We should start using more renewable ways to produce electricity to help reduce our carbon foot print.

Dear Future President,

 I'm a sophomore in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and I have an interest in alternative power. I want the U.S. to stop buying fuel from other countries and try to be a little independent from them. I believe if we use more solar panels and wind turbines we could reduce the amount of oil and coal being burned. Solar panels and wind turbines are pollution free energy that dosen't harm the environment and destroy our atmosphere. I think clean efficient energy will make a better future for the U.S. 

There are many different options for better renewable energy like geo thermal, this type of energy is collected from the heat of the earth. There is also nuclear which produces a lot of energy but sadly this produces very harmful products that damage its environment. The recent invention of a generator that uses oceanic waves, this generator is called Delta Stream. In Oct. 17 2016 a tidal stream company has successfully installed Wales first full scale total stream generator. This form of producing electricity is really good because its predictable, these generators are placed at the mouth of coves so when the tide goes in it will turn the turbine blades. Then it will do the same thing when the tide goes back in thus makes it predictable. 

I hope you think about how many options there are for clean renewable energy unlike coal and oil. I wish you the best of luck and hope you lead us to be the best country in the world.