Felix & Aeddon Oklahoma

Legalize Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana should be legalized, not ignored.

Dear Future President,

Medical Marijuana should be legalized, not ignored. Marijuana cures a lot of symptoms and diseases, such as Glaucoma and Arthritis. A chemical in marijuana eases the progression of Alzheimer’s, and treats anxiety. We should allow marijuana only for medical purposes only.

We believe that only the people who are suffering need to have marijuana, not some college students having a party. And those people who are in pain from things like cancer could really benefit from marijuana. It really helps, for example, a chemical in marijuana stops cancer cells from spreading, which in my opinion is a pretty good benefit. Another benefit for cancer patients is that it helps with the nausea caused by chemotherapy.

Charlotte Figi is a six-year old girl who has a rare, severe form of intractable epilepsy called Dravet’s Syndrome. The doctors didn’t know what was wrong with her, because when she was scanned, the scan was perfectly normal. The doctors prescribed medical marijuana, and now she can walk and talk. If you legalize marijuana, we could cure people like Charlotte.

So in conclusion, marijuana could really help a lot of people with a lot of illnesses, and we believe that they deserve to have that help. They should not be punished for the people who just want it to have a good time. Instead we should legalize it for the people who could have their pain eased by it.


Felix L. & Aeddon W.