Erez F. California

Prop 64

A letter to you in regards to California prop 64

Dear future president,

For a very long time in US history, marijuana growth and use has been illegal. Excluding the usage for medical purposes, of course. For some reason, it has been placed in the schedule one drug category. Whether this is accurate or not, I personally believe that it should remain illegal, for the time being at least. I grew up in Berkeley, California and have not had the most rural upbringing, but have had many farmers in my ancestry. Farming is a very important thing to me and my family. "The mission of the California Growers Association is the promotion and protection of the independent farms and businesses in the cannabis industry and the protection of the public health and patient’s rights, the restoration of natural resources and watersheds, and to provide for the welfare of communities and the mutual benefit of public and private interests." I am 100 percent on board with the California growers association. I care a great amount for the small farmers who will get ran into the ground by companies like Monsanto. So I ask you, the future president, to take a good look at this prop and it's future, if it is passed it will be detrimental to a plethora of people in California. So I ask that you try to give more time to the growers  of the United States to become more established as farmers before they lose all of their opportunities and have to sell their land and most likely become homeless. Thanks for your time and consideration. 


Erez Frank