Asha H. California

Black Lives Matter TOO

In this letter, I will be discussing the injustices against young Black men that are being killed on a daily basis.


Dear Future President:

When will it all come to an end? Hundreds of innocent African American men are being harassed and killed by OUR own law enforcement everyday. This issue has become a national issue and thus the “Black Lives Matter” movement was born. This movement is meant to highlight Black lives and to say that their lives matter too. It's not to say that they're better than any other race, and I think that's what most people fail to understand.

Just this year alone, our own law enforcement officers have murdered nearly 200 black men. The year isn't even over, yet there have already been hundreds of innocent black lives taken by the ones that are supposed to serve and protect us. This is why the BLM movement has begun and has been taking over the country. I think there's a huge misconception with this movement. Many think when we’re saying Black Lives Matter, that we’re saying black lives are the only lives that matter. However, that is not the case. We're only highlighting all the innocent black lives being lost daily by our own law enforcement while those of other races don't suffer as much. Black lives matter, too. So for those that are protesting against the movement and saying that All Lives Matter, it's true that those lives matter, however the black ones are the ones that need the attention and affection shown towards them right now the most.

I, as a young African American student living in the United States, do believe these families deserve to get the justice they well deserve.


Asha Hussein

The Preuss School UCSD

Block 6

AP English Lit & Comp, B Day

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