Isabel A. Texas

Free College Education

Persuasive Letter with reasons to have Free College Education.

Dear Mr. / Madam President,

Many young Americans are suffering from loads of college debt and most can't attend due to the high tuition. Mostly, most poor people can't get the education they dreamed. But there is a solution, Mr. / Madam President take action, support and sign into law, Free College Education. By having free college education, college student will most likely receive better employment opportunities and that more and more jobs need colleges degrees. And each of these college students have piles of debt they can't repay.

With free college education, “College graduates have more and better employment opportunities” says This will help our American workforce greatly and will open up more jobs for the new college graduates. Also, “more and more jobs require college degrees” states, this causes many too not receive jobs due to their lack of education. With free college education the employees will be more suited for this workface and will earn a more reasonable profit. And, with more people with money, the economy will grow too.

“Free college is paid for by the working class people who don't attend.” says New But that is not a reasonable cause. Free college education can be payed by anyone or a foundation. Also, Time, an article filled website, has a list of 7 stars that are willing to pay for college grant and have done before. But this is not the only way people can get special grants, Fundraisers and Foundations could support this needed cause. Free college education can be paid for by doing special fundraisers at schools, finding fundraisers that want to support the cause or find a reasonable place that can give the students a grant that can help pay.

“Today, student loan debt increases inequality and makes it harder for low-income graduates, particularly those of color, to buy a house, open a business, and start a family.” states The American Prospect. Today many students have the burden of paying off their lifetime of debt due to the high priced college tuitions. “10% of students graduate with over $40,000 in debt and about 1% have $100,000 in debt.” says By having free education it can reduce the amount of debt most Americans have.

Congratulations on your earning your term as President of the United States, and winning the election. But there are certain responsibilities of being the new President. Make sure to listen to students on what they would think of making the college tuition free. Please help America become a better place everyday. But there is a solution to the issue that can help so many from the gargantuas amounts of debt. Free College Education. By having free college education, college student will most likely receive better employment opportunities and that more and more jobs need colleges degrees. And each of these college student have piles of debt they can't repay.

Works Cited

"7 Stars Besides Lebron Who Will Pay for Your College Education." Time. Time. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

Bruenig, Matt. "The Case Against Free College." New Republic. 05 Oct. 2015. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

"College Education -" ProConorg Headlines. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

Ellison, By Keith. "The Argument for Tuition-Free College." The American Prospect. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.