Travis r. Texas

Why we must repeal Obama care

Obama care raises taxes to much and we need to get rid of it.

Dear Mr,Mrs.President,

Many people need health insurance and go to Obama care because it offers better protection for seniors and young adults are able to stay on their parents plan until their 26. But those people don’t understand that Obama care increases taxes not just for them but for everyone. This is an American problem that we need to fix immediately or find a different outcome. Mr./Mrs. President repeal Obama care immediately.

Obama care is jeopardizing our personal freedom and our financial future in ways few saw coming and many are unprepared to handle the situation. One of the things is that other insurance companies can lose business due to increasing tax rates. It can also cost some elderly people more money and is not as strong for young adults.

Getting rid of this error should be one our top priorities of America. Adding on to the rest research shows that this care raises taxes and jeopardizes the financial future of America, but can also raise your house price so not only do people get taxes their belongings getting higher too due to the fundings needed for Obama care.

Mr/Madame. President this is not just a tax problem it affects people's lives and jobs too.

Works Cited

Doescher, Timothy, Lillian Wolfensohn, Daniel L. Davis, Patrick Porter, and Derek Grossman. "3 Big Reasons Why Obamacare Is Bad for Millennials." The National Interest. Web. 04 Nov. 2016. "Top 10 Things to Know About ObamaCare." Obamacare Facts. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

Https:// "Is Obamacare Worth It?" The Balance. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

Cedar Valley Middle School

Ms. Collins' students

These are the wonderful ideas of my 8th grade students and their advice to the next President of the United States.

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