Why We Should Abolish Standardize Testing
Persuasive letter to the next President to get rid of the standardize testing.
Imagine the faces of kids when they do the STAAR test. They are nervous that they are not going to pass and going to the next grade. The teachers are teaching them test when they don't want to they say they feel accused of teaching this. Mr. or Madam President, abolish standardized tests. Here are some reasons. Kids have to take a test that if they fail they will not get a diploma. It also negatively affects the quality of teaching because teachers are focusing too much on STAAR prep.
Why do they have to take the test and why does it affect your high school diploma. Kids have to take a test that if they fail you won't get your diploma. Kids need to have an education and this test is what's standing in the kids way. Like an ally u walk and there's a wall and u can't go any further you will have to turn around and find another path to walk to.
school drudgery for students and steal teachers’ enjoyment of teaching. Many teachers are accused of teaching to the test. Most do not do this, but some feel so much pressure for their students to achieve a specific score that they do end up teaching to the test, whether they want to or not. The stress it incurs on students and the schools themselves. Students have to take the test under time pressure. They have to answer items under 12 subjects within four hours. Meanwhile, teachers and administrators are also under a lot of stress because whatever scores their students will get from the Texas STAAR exam will reflect in their overall standing when compared with other schools in Texas.
So remember that Kids have to take a test that if they fail they won't get a diploma. It also negatively affects the quality of teaching because teachers are focusing too much on STAAR prep. congratulations on being the new President I hope you make a difference in life and America.
Works Cited
- Apecsecadmin. "Apecsec.org." Apecsecorg. 19 Feb. 2014. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.
- By Default, If the Menu Opens on the Right, We. "Bright Hub Education." Bright Hub Education. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.
- By Submitting You Agree to TestingMom.com's Terms of Use. "Welcome." Testing Mom. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.
- Grade, By. "Education.com | #1 Educational Site for Pre-K through 5." Education.com | #1 Educational Site for Pre-K through 5. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.
- "Save Texas Schools." Save Texas Schools. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.