Police brutality needs to stop
9th-12th elective
Despite the criticism it receives, Black Lives Matter is an excellent organization that serves an important purpose in the black community.
This video is about how unpleasant school chairs are, and how difficult that makes learning.
Serina and I talked about how the world needs change. How Police brutality should stop and environmental pollution
Everyone deserves a chance
College tuition is too high
We must increase funding for childhood cancer research in order to save the youth of our nation.
Protecting animals is important.
We need more help for people with PTSD. This condition can ruin many lives. More programs need to be built to help try to prevent this condition fr...
All letters from this group →
Domestic violence is an ever present problem in the country we live in. We need to take steps to prevent the cycle from repeating itself.
Deportation of Immigrants is tearing families aparts
Be a kid again.
Something needs to be done.
Life skilled related classes should be applied in schools to become independent
Dear, Future President
We call our country "The United States of America" but what exactly is united about it? Our states may be united under the name, but we as individu...
The future President of America needs to discontinue the Patriot Act, and implement laws that wont create barriers between different religions. The...
hate fills the united states and needs to be stopped.
All letters from this site →
Oncoming issues involving transgender bathroom policies are hitting the United States daily.
The cost of college and student debt is a major issue that needs to be solved.
Everyday, people are being killed by unatural reasons, those being by the hands of another human being. Why isn't change happening to a world where...
Despite the appealing sound of free college there may be more downfalls to it then you think.
minimum wage is growing to be a big issue workers aren't getting paid enough to support themselves and or their families which is causing these goo...
All the guns floating around in the hands of almost every citizen of the U.S. is doing nothing good for our country, all it's doing is killing us.
Help us to address and further solve the issue of gun violence in our country.
All letters from Nevada →
Racial discrimination from cops
Many African-Americans fall victim to unjust police brutality in these past few years, and has unfortunately become more and more widespread.
Letter To Next President
All lives matter
A movement worldwide.
According to the Washington Post, there was a count of 250 people killed by police officers in the first three months of 2016. They’re treating us ...
We believe that the media is not helping the situation when it comes to reporting stories involving police brutality.
Police misconduct is a serious issue, with the most controversial crimes committed on duty: murder, theft, and assault.
We as citizens need to acknowledge racial prejudices between all races and a need for law enforcement. Those who commit crimes need to be held resp...
All letters about these issues →