College tuition is too high
9th-12th elective
Everyone deserves a chance
Police brutality needs to stop
We need more help for people with PTSD. This condition can ruin many lives. More programs need to be built to help try to prevent this condition fr...
Protecting animals is important.
Serina and I talked about how the world needs change. How Police brutality should stop and environmental pollution
This video is about how unpleasant school chairs are, and how difficult that makes learning.
Despite the criticism it receives, Black Lives Matter is an excellent organization that serves an important purpose in the black community.
We must increase funding for childhood cancer research in order to save the youth of our nation.
All letters from this group →
Domestic violence is an ever present problem in the country we live in. We need to take steps to prevent the cycle from repeating itself.
Deportation of Immigrants is tearing families aparts
Be a kid again.
Something needs to be done.
Life skilled related classes should be applied in schools to become independent
Dear, Future President
We call our country "The United States of America" but what exactly is united about it? Our states may be united under the name, but we as individu...
The future President of America needs to discontinue the Patriot Act, and implement laws that wont create barriers between different religions. The...
hate fills the united states and needs to be stopped.
All letters from this site →
The times are changing so should are school system. I will be showing you the different sides to the argument and what plan to follow.
Minimum Wage in America is currently is currently 7.25$, and the never ending want of a higher minimum wage can push it further.
Abstract poem
The transgender bathroom policy is a growing issue in the U.S. Transgenders are uncomfortable using public bathroom facility's because of the fear ...
Oncoming issues involving transgender bathroom policies are hitting the United States daily.
This text is about gun violence in America and the laws that intertwine with it.
As a member of the LGBT community of America, I have watched this country grow and shape into something slightly less threatening, but the prospect...
The cost of college and student debt is a major issue that needs to be solved.
Will the president try to make America better or is the president going to do more damage
All letters from Nevada →
America should mandate that all public schools hire a child psychologist to evaluate children in grade Kindergarten, 4th, 8th, and 12th. This will ...
A letter to the next President from a student in the U.S.
Standardized tests do not measure a child's true intelligence. They prevent children from real life experiences and any fun in school.
The school to prison pipeline punishes or incarcerates the kids, instead of helping them. This tends to focus on minorities such as Blacks and Lati...
Early Childhood Education issues have become a huge setback for students and teachers in the United States and something needs to change.
Educational disparity in the U.S is at an all-time high. The gap is growing at disturbing rates now more than ever. Is the system already set to gi...
Here is a brief explanation of what should be done to the education system.
A letter to the future president about the cost of college.
All letters about these issues →