hate fills the united states and needs to be stopped.
Senior Magnet Students
Living with 2 immigrants parents isn't easy, hiding the shadows with them, living in fear and worriment.
Life skilled related classes should be applied in schools to become independent
Something needs to be done.
College tuition has often been a border between people attending college or not. We want our new president to encourage college education and work ...
Domestic violence is an ever present problem in the country we live in. We need to take steps to prevent the cycle from repeating itself.
Many deaths across America have been caused by having guns in the wrong hands. The background check before a gun sale is the right way to go.
It seems like Hillary and Donald are just like cats and dogs fighting for a position. A position to just have but not be determined to move America...
The relationships between Police Officers and the people of this United States is failing and seems to be worsening, we must mend it.
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We must increase funding for childhood cancer research in order to save the youth of our nation.
Police brutality needs to stop
Serina and I talked about how the world needs change. How Police brutality should stop and environmental pollution
We need more help for people with PTSD. This condition can ruin many lives. More programs need to be built to help try to prevent this condition fr...
Everyone deserves a chance
This video is about how unpleasant school chairs are, and how difficult that makes learning.
College tuition is too high
Protecting animals is important.
Despite the criticism it receives, Black Lives Matter is an excellent organization that serves an important purpose in the black community.
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My essay talks about the pros and cons of guns.
This essay is about how expensive college is and if it's actually worth paying for, or in other cases why people can't afford to go.
Youth homelessness is a serious problem in the U.S. how can you help? Find out in this essay explaining the problems and possible solutions.
minimum wage is growing to be a big issue workers aren't getting paid enough to support themselves and or their families which is causing these goo...
Will the president try to make America better or is the president going to do more damage
Teens and young adults abusing heroin and prescription drugs and the effects it has on their life.
Though gun violence has taken a toll on our day to day lives, expanding our gun laws may not be the resolution.
I would most like the future president to address the education of all students, standardize testing, and teachers' pay.
transgender bathroom are the big topic around america if it should be legal or nah these are my reason and opinion on what we should do to fix it.
All letters from Nevada →
This video demonstrates the real life struggles that many immigrants have before coming to the United States and how they aren't a detriment to thi...
When is enough, enough?
People in the U.S face discrimination.
As a citizen of the US I believe that in order to have a smooth running country, we need a better justice system. Our justice system is supposed to...
Dear next president, I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issue in the next president elect...
Women are getting paid less and not getting equal jobs. Women are also not getting all the rights they should be getting.
Current issues about Racism.
A nationwide issue that can no longer be tolerated.
Over many years there has been discrimination of racism against Mexicans, African Americans, Asians, and many more races.
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