What should be done about Gun violence in America?
There is no correlation between intelligence and wealth, so why make college only available to the wealthy?
Many deaths across America have been caused by having guns in the wrong hands. The background check before a gun sale is the right way to go.
College tuition and stressed cauesed by tuition on students and parents due to state funding
Police brutality needs to stop
The current relationship with the citizens of the United States and the law enforcement is unstable and needs to be improved
With the amount of student debt and the high chance of failure of seeking a career nowadays, workforce training in public high schools can potentia...
Programs in high school will help high school students discover what career path is right for them, decrease the average student debt, and help stu...
this is about drug abuse in Staten island and why more people are abusing drugs there than in other states.
College tuition is too high
I would like to tell you some things that need to be fixed in our country and some ways they could be.
Something needs to be done.
The cost for tuition has gone up for a real reason.
Though gun violence has taken a toll on our day to day lives, expanding our gun laws may not be the resolution.
College tuition has often been a border between people attending college or not. We want our new president to encourage college education and work ...
In short, I just want acceptance to be the main focus in the office and in the new president's mind
A call to action directed at the next president to be vigilant in their presidency, argued through experience and a personal narrative.
A letter explaining to our future president the cost of college for America and how it affects young adults.
As a member of the LGBT community of America, I have watched this country grow and shape into something slightly less threatening, but the prospect...
Dear, Future President
Drug use is bad in general regardless of age.
This may seem like a joke, but it is not. Prescription drugs and mainly Heroin have become a major factor. Heroin is the hardest drug, but it is th...
Bathroom Bill. Transgender have a lot of issues living their everyday lives. They have so many problems that they just don't need.
Basically to let the president know that people are dying more of guns than surviving. I want the president to do something about it, From personal...
Transgender people are being told that they can't use the bathroom that associates with the gender they identify with.
Americas homicide and gun violence rates are at an all time high.
This text is about gun violence in America and the laws that intertwine with it.
Deportation of Immigrants is tearing families aparts
Minimum Wage in America is currently is currently 7.25$, and the never ending want of a higher minimum wage can push it further.
Others opinion and myself on N.C. bathroom bill.
This paper talks about the dangers of prescription drugs and what the incentives are for teens to abuse them. This paper will also talk about the g...
It has become a social norm for all high school graduates to go to college, but that's not what some kids really want to do. Instead they'd rather ...
This is a letter about how the trans person has trouble in life and how the President can help fix it.
The relationships between Police Officers and the people of this United States is failing and seems to be worsening, we must mend it.
Teens and young adults abusing heroin and prescription drugs and the effects it has on their life.
Is college for everyone? The education system needs work and people need to speak out and voice their thoughts.
This is a call to action against this illegal act that plagues America.
Gun Violence is a current, significant issue in America.
We need more help for people with PTSD. This condition can ruin many lives. More programs need to be built to help try to prevent this condition fr...
Problems with the current two party system are plaguing today's society, hindering the democratic process, and silencing voices.
This video is about how unpleasant school chairs are, and how difficult that makes learning.
People say transgenders shouldn't be allowed in the bathroom matching the gender they identify with, which isn't fair. You should be free to use th...
College tuition is causing students not to further their education and drowning families in loads of debt.
Mental health is an issue that seems to be taken lightly by the majority of the people that make up this country. From being mistreated and misunde...
Despite the criticism it receives, Black Lives Matter is an excellent organization that serves an important purpose in the black community.
this letter is about all the different ways that college can effect the lives of seniors all across the united states and how you can fix the probl...
A letter to the next President asking for equality, respect and hope for the future.
Regardless of political party, my only hope for the next executive of office is more bipartisanship.
Will the president try to make America better or is the president going to do more damage
hate fills the united states and needs to be stopped.
Everyone needs to go the bathroom. Why make it so hard?
We need to stop blaming the guns for mass shootings, and start putting our focus on the maniacs that are doing these hostile crimes.
Dear Mr./Mrs. President,
We cant succeed in life if there is no way to afford the education that is necessary.
America's lack of gun control and the hazards it has created... The irony of "self-defense" and "thorough" background checks.
Cannot go to college or send your child to college due to not having enough money, or having to delay your life due to college loans. Sound like yo...
Despite the appealing sound of free college there may be more downfalls to it then you think.
transgender bathroom are the big topic around america if it should be legal or nah these are my reason and opinion on what we should do to fix it.
Protecting animals is important.
minimum wage is growing to be a big issue workers aren't getting paid enough to support themselves and or their families which is causing these goo...
Is the right to die the same as the right to life?
Dear next president( Donald Trump)
Immigrants should be allowed to live in a place where many of us call it home. It's time to put yourself in our shoes.
My observations
My essay talks about the pros and cons of guns.
Animal Cruelty/Animal Testing is an issue that I believe people don't really give much attention to.
Dear Future President,
Transgender Equality in America
We call our country "The United States of America" but what exactly is united about it? Our states may be united under the name, but we as individu...
Please fix this recurring problem,
On the topic of changing names and my thoughts on the practice.
From what I know of politics, which is quite a bit, I have seen many idiotic ideas that have no purpose. There is more out there than what we consi...
Workforce training in High School may be the next solution with high school education problems and college.
Individual rights are being infringed upon due to individuality, but supposedly we're united?
We must increase funding for childhood cancer research in order to save the youth of our nation.
With Cost of College Increasing, it is almost impossible for families to pay for tuition. Everyday thousands of Students are forced to turn to loans.
Life skilled related classes should be applied in schools to become independent
Pollution is a serious problem the world is facing and it needs attention from a higher power in order to be taken more seriously.
The transgender bathroom policy is a growing issue in the U.S. Transgenders are uncomfortable using public bathroom facility's because of the fear ...
The brains of Americans are sick. It is time to put a stop to mental illness through education.
Gun control and the ways it'd effect our society
Help us to address and further solve the issue of gun violence in our country.
this is a speech I wrote for people to know about the beauty of wolves.
All the guns floating around in the hands of almost every citizen of the U.S. is doing nothing good for our country, all it's doing is killing us.
The cost of college and student debt is a major issue that needs to be solved.
Oncoming issues involving transgender bathroom policies are hitting the United States daily.
The times are changing so should are school system. I will be showing you the different sides to the argument and what plan to follow.
Many students from low-income families cannot afford a college education.
The scary causes of college students are affected by. Will, or can the next president fix the tremendous debt that comes along with college? Or wil...
Everyone deserves a chance
Workforce Training for Teens and the Cost of College
I would most like the future president to address the education of all students, standardize testing, and teachers' pay.
Should Transgender people be allowed to use the bathroom that corresponds to the gender they identify with or the gender that they were born?
Many students are...
I don't know who the ext president will be, but all in all, it doesn't matter. Things are crumbling, and the thing that's crumbling the most isn't ...
Despite all of my current issues with what's going on in the country, I feel as if I have to speak on animal rights as loudly as anything else.
Domestic violence is an ever present problem in the country we live in. We need to take steps to prevent the cycle from repeating itself.