D.H. Louisiana

Let's understand Illegal Immigrants

Illegal immigrants should not be labeled as criminals,but as hardworking people who are trying to be accepted by the U.S government

Dear Future President

I am concerned that many people see illegal immigrants as criminals and don’t deserve an opportunity because they are coming from a country where the first thing you think about is crime. Yea it’s true illegal immigrants do come areas that have crime but that doesn't mean they’re criminals and stereotyping is wrong.

I'm not an illegal immigrant but I’ve lived in a place where coming to the United States brings opportunity. This country was built by immigrants from Europe and at first they weren't welcome and quotas were made but we know it's not right and let's not make the same mistake twice. Illegal immigrants don't just bring food they bring good people hardworking people who contribute to societies.

Most of the people who thinks that illegal immigrants don't deserve a chance feel superior because they got more,and live a better life. I think illegal immigrants should not be labeled as dangerous criminals but hard working people. The crime in the United states should not be blame on illegal immigrants because anyone can be a criminal.

Right now if I was in Honduras I would of been going to school but knowing that it would be a waste of time because you don't get a good job by being a doctor in Honduras, but if I was to become a doctor in the United States I am more likely to get a good job and able to sustain my family. Overall future president give illegal immigrants a better road to become citizens and not build a huge wall to start a war.

According to The Hill, illegal immigrants benefit to the economy. In the article it says “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants.

Sincerely, DWH