M.A. Louisiana

Trans Lives Matter

"This is about the dignity and respect we accord our fellow citizens and the laws that we, as a people and as a country, have enacted to protect them."

Dear Future President,

Transgender issues about what bathroom they should use is becoming outrageous. In every state, there are so many people worried about a transgender using the same restroom as their kids. Some of the parents are worried about the rape rates going up. They are also worried about their children getting bullied because they are “different”.

“This action is about a great deal more than just bathrooms,” said Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch. She spoke during a news conference. “This is about the dignity and respect we accord our fellow citizens and the laws that we, as a people and as a country, have enacted to protect them.”

Transgender bathrooms should be available to students at all schools so we can end this argument once and for all. Opinions on this issue are very widespread, from people that don't support the transgender community to absolute transgender rights activists. There are arguments about this issues daily, from banter between strangers to voting and discussions in the courtroom. The bathroom bill has been debated in several states like Nevada, Arizona and North Carolina. If accessible bathrooms was the law then there wouldn't be as much debate about it. Once we stop arguing over this important issue we can focus on other issues and keep pushing towards equality.

In conclusion, a transgender person should have the right to use the bathroom corresponding to the gender they identify themselves with. There is no evidence that states that gender segregated bathrooms are safer for non-trans women than a unisex one. HB2 is unnecessary because there are laws protecting people from misconduct in a public restroom. Transgender people are not a threat. If anything, they're the true victims, for they are more likely to experience harassment, hostility, and discrimination in their everyday lives. It’s very important that we should allow every individual have the right to access the bathrooms regardless of their race, gender, social class instead of making the bathroom as the tool for degradation, humiliation, and shaming people for who they are. As a person who lives in America, I think it’s necessary for us to uphold our proud legacy as a country who celebrates individualism and freedom in everyone, including transgender people.

Sincerely, M.A.

Lusher Charter School


English IH

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