My letter will basically talk about the disadvantages of the cost of college tuition and how in affects families.
Illegal immigrants should not be labeled as criminals,but as hardworking people who are trying to be accepted by the U.S government
High college tuition is preventing access to higher education for average Americans.
Why don't we let people be who they really are? We are all equal.
This letter is talking about the issues of drug and heroin abuse in teens and young adults. It gives ideas and recommendations to fix the problem
There is terrible police brutality going on today and a lot of discrimination. We need to help make change.
This is my letter to the president about teens using dangerous drugs like Heroin.
With presidency, comes great responsibility. He/she has to be prepared for duties, such as solving the issues of citizens, and just being a great ...
This letter explains a few challenges that people of trans experience have to face and my opinion on some of the issues.
It is about how I believe the government should do something to help the homeless youth.
In this letter I speak about how I believe that anyone can change a whole country starting in their own community. Specifically, gun violence.
Drug usage in teens is getting to out of control.
College is getting too expensive and I think the price should be lowered.
This letter explains my opinions and beliefs on gun control in America
This letter is about the cost of college and how it is a problem for many students in the U.S. Also, addressing the next president that this is a p...
this is a general overview of what I think of Black Lives
the bathroom policy
This is an essay on what should be changed about gun laws.
Police officers can often misuse their own power to bring fear to the black community and other minorities.
"This is about the dignity and respect we accord our fellow citizens and the laws that we, as a people and as a country, have enacted to protect th...
My letter adresses college tuition for students and talks about how expensive it is for families to pay for education.
Sexist dress codes have been a major puzzle piece in the harsh world of Self-objection, sexual harassment, and complication with men and women toda...
There are so many problems with the U.S. immigration process, perhaps altering it will create less illegal immigrants and allow those in danger to ...
These prices are beginning to be way too high and should be lowered.
College tuition has a become a major problem world-wide. This text is to explain some of those problems and ask what is going to be done to help it.
I list the problems associated with transgender bathroom rights.
These are very important questions for the upcoming president
A summary of how free college would be a long term boost to the economy.
Guns need to controlled better in America.
Student loans and the corporatocracy.
This about the black lives movement and how it affects America.
The Wage Gap is a huge issue that has been facing America for centuries. The gap in a social justice issue that deprives women of equal pay oppose...
The rising cost of college tuition is concerning for those who with low income, and who can’t afford it.
College costs in America have become increasingly high. And this is a huge problem that hopefully our Future President can solve.
College tuition has substantially increased in the decades since 1971. This article shows the increase and side effects of trying to take out a loa...
The minimum wage in America should be raised because of how much income affects a child's life. The current minimum wage is not enough for a family...
On one side of the argument, there are those who want transgender people to use the restroom that corresponds with the gender on their birth certif...
How LGBT people should be treated in my opinion.
The issue of the transgender bathroom policy have recently been brought up and there are many different views on the subject
Vets need help
Though lowering the cost of college tuition may be costly, it is a worthy investment in the future prosperity of our country.
About why we should have workforce training for high school students.
People from ages 12 to 20 should not be criminalized for use of drugs
What will you do as our president to deal with ISIS?
Military Intervention in Syria is a bad idea
My letter talks about two articles that supports my argument and one that counters it. At the end support triumphs reject.
People who identify as a different gender than the one they were born as shouldn’t be a target for judgment.
The Black Lives Matter movement is often misunderstood.
Gun violence is bad
How America as a whole and the President should change our gun control laws to benefit citizens safety.
It's time to end the violence
The United States is seeing a dangerously increasing rate of heroin use in teenagers.
This is a letter to the future president on my opinions on the issue of guns in our country.
letter to president
Who are the real victims? Us or the many transgender people that have to fight for basic human rights such as a bathroom?
There are many issues associated with the high cost of college tuition.
The high cost of college is becoming a major problem to many people.
A letter to the next president
Drugs are plaguing today's society. As a 9th grader, I'm concerned.
America's next president should make abortion illegal after five weeks gestation and focus on reforming the foster care and adoption systems so tha...
Every woman should have access to abortion.
A life changing crime with a punishment way too small
Ideas and opinions on and how to stop gun violence.
Racism has become a bad problem in America, it needs to be fixed and this must be the president's number one concern.
Youth homelessness is a problem in the United States. It is a problem that needs to be solved.
College costs must be lowered for kids to achieve their dreams. I have had a personal experience with this because my brother recently went to coll...
Gun Control in America and why there is nothing being done about it
We live in the United States, it's about time that we work together as a county to address our country's issues. My issue is we need, "Equal Pay fo...
That time has come, high school students' favorite time of their life, high school graduation. Once they cross that stage and are given their diplo...
College tuition is very expensive and many people don't have the money.
Help bring awareness to the reason about why veterans, especially ones with PTSD are going homeless.
Homelessness is an issue in the US
My letter is about why we should have vocational training in high schools.
We need to raise the federal minimum wage. $7.25 an hour is imply not enough for someone to support themselves.