Casady Oklahoma

Letters to the Next President

Letters to the Next President By: Casady Rickets Dear Donald Trump, People from all around the world write to the president of the United States to ask questions or simply compliment or bash on the things they’ve done to make themselves feel better. I have many concerns regarding you taking office. Such as, young immigrants getting arrested, innocent immigrants getting deported, and young immigrants getting deported. All my concerns are for all of the innocent immigrants. The reason for your hatred against immigrants is because some of them are convicts or terrorists. The problem is, that is not every immigrant. I think that the innocent immigrants should have the option for better opportunities, to come to the United States so they can make a better life in our country. The young children that cross the border with their parents have been getting caught and arrested. The DREAM Act will make it easier for children who crossed the border at a young age to become a US resident. It is not fair that young children are getting in trouble for wanting a better life in America. Outside of America, it is a very scary place in the world. There are convicts and perpetrators walking the streets. Not to mention, In America we have a great education system unlike the countries that cannot afford books or electronics. These children do not deserve to be in jail for wanting to better their lives. Many innocent immigrants are getting deported for many different conflicts. There are more than 11 million immigrants being affected by a bill congress passed. Student immigrants protested to become a US citizen. It takes a while to get a Visa or citizenship in the United States, which is part of the problem. So, these immigrants are being deported and can no longer had a great life in America just because a new bill congress passed. It is extremely unfair to the people. These are people’s cousins, aunts, or friends and they are getting sent away. Children who crossed the border under 16 years of age now have a program to protect themselves. The DACA program can save many kids from having a hard life. All kids who have crossed the border under 16 years of age have a chance of not getting deported. The purpose of writing to the president of the United States is so a person can share their views on the things he’s done through his term. My main concerns are just the young immigrants getting arrested, innocent immigrants getting deported, and young immigrants getting deported. There are many problems in our country but I’m very concerned about the wall you are putting up. I understand is is keeping out the bad immigrants, but what about the good ones. I am writing this to you because people usually write the president hoping to get a response back.


 Casady Rickets