Dakota C. Oklahoma

Gun Control 101

Gun control is a subject which is opinionated just like any other subject. There are the people that will say guns should be outlawed because they are dangerous and the people that will say we should have guns to protect ourselves.

Dear Future President,

Gun control is a subject which is opinionated just like any other subject. There are the people that will say guns should be outlawed because they are dangerous and the people that will say we should have guns to protect ourselves. I am going to cover both sides of this argument because it can go both ways. This letter will be about gun control laws and whether or not they should be legal in the United States of America. When you look at the side that says “no guns”. They always talk about the safety of others and their family and how it is in danger because of the people that have guns. Yes if we did not have guns we wouldn’t have to worry about it except that even if we outlaw guns they will get into the country. Gun smuggling is already happening and will not stop anytime soon unless we do something about it, and if anyone is smuggling guns into the country and we don’t have guns we can’t protect ourselves from the people that have them.

In St. Louis, Missouri people have been driving around in their cars with paintball guns shooting them at people. People are scared because even though they are paintball guns they are dangerous. What if someone were to think the next person to pull up and pull out a gun was just pulling out a paintball gun. If it were to end up being real they would get shot and killed. If we didn’t have guns we wouldn’t have to worry about someone pulling out a real gun on someone.

Now on the side that wants guns. They bring up all kinds of things such as The Bill of Rights, and how that it can not be infringed, or that they like to hunt, ect. But there really is not a place to hunt in New York, compared to Montana or even Oklahoma. So with that said if there are any bans put on guns it shouldn’t be the whole country but only part of it.

The question perhaps should be do crimes and guns go hand in hand. Yes, but is it the guns that lead to crime. No, it is the person themselves decision with the gun in hand. Our rights and liberty to have weapons are protected under the constitution, 2nd Amendment. Gun control has been in debate for a long time now just like a lot of other topics, but this one seems to have caught the eyes and ears of a lot people.

The Bill of Rights says, A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. It would be against the constitution if you did take the 2nd Amendment away. So with that being said, we can not have our guns taken away from us. I believe that gun laws shouldn’t really have restriction because civilians will help catch the criminals in their act. Criminals are not going to stop breaking the law, but with people that will help stop them we can catch more.

Instead of letting guns take the bad reputation why don’t we think of this. Sandy Hook shooting, Adam Lanza, age 20, killed twenty children. San Bernardino shooting, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik kill 14 people. It is not the gun that did it. It was the person behind the gun, that chose to pull out the gun, load it, aim it, and pull the trigger. So what I say is don’t get rid of guns but keep them. Yes, bad things happen with guns, but that doesn’t mean take them away. People make choices whether the choices be bad or good we’ve all made a choice, we’ve all made mistakes, some bigger than others, but we get through it. Nobody is perfect, so I take a stand to keep guns in the United States of America.


Dakota Chaney

Works Cited

When the People Choose Gun Control. By The Editorial Board. October 10, 2016

Primary Sources: The Bill of Rights. 1791

St. Louis police, victims worry paintball game could turn deadly. By St. Louis Post - Dispatch

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