The Candidates on Marijuana
It's time to legalize marijuana.

Dear Next President:
I’m 15, and I think you should know how I would vote if I could. I would vote for a candidate who wanted to legalize marijuana, not only because I am a marijuana user, but because it will help other people, old people that are sick and need to ease their pain with it. A lot of people are sick and need marijuana to ease the pain of a disease. I agree with Gary Johnson when he says: “Marijuana smokers are people we associate with everyday–law-abiding, tax-paying, productive citizens” (Source). Everybody around the world you bump into, stop by, walking past you are marijuana users. I agree with the way he shows how that has not changed, so just give them the freedom.
Hillary Clinton has a point on how she thinks about what the states are doing right now needs to be supported. I agree when she says: “It’s time to take marijuana off the black market, end crime and violence related to marijuana trafficking, stop wasting money and ruining lives by prosecuting victimless crimes, reduce prison populations, increase tax revenue, allow sick people their medicine, let farmers grow marijuana and hemp, and give responsible adults their freedom by legalizing it" (Source). She is thinking about how people, in general, are moving marijuana in the U.S.A to sick people. Also, Gary Johnson has the same agreement. I agree that it should be legalized for everyone to use, even sick people, and not see them in pain and suffering.
Jill Stein also has a point when she says: “It’s time to take marijuana off the black market, end crime and violence related to marijuana trafficking, stop wasting money and ruining lives by prosecuting victimless crimes, reduce prison populations, increase tax revenue, allow sick people their medicine, let farmers grow marijuana and hemp, and give responsible adults their freedom by legalizing it" (Source). She is thinking about another good reason legalizing it, because of sick people who suffering in pain and diseases every day in the life and giving people freedom.
I really disagree with everything Donald Trump says about marijuana. He is not thinking about people's lives, sick people with diseases who suffer every single day from pain. What about alcohol, tobacco, and cocaine? He needs to think about how many people die every day because of alcohol, tobacco, and cocaine, and how many people die because of use marijuana, and how people need it because they are sick. I think the other people in different states in America would agree with me.
If I could vote, my vote would go for the candidate who was most likely to legalize marijuana.
Creative Commons image by Niek Sprakel