Luke Vermont

What Does TSA Really Do

Does TSA really do what they say read more to find out.

Luke, Grade 6

Shelburne Community School

345 Harbor Road

Shelburne, VT 05482

The Future President

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, DC 20500

September 19, 2016

Dear Future President of the United States:

I believe that the safety of the public is in your hands. Once you win all those states, billions and trillions of lives are in your hands. When you are elected president you have to improve our safety, and I think I know where to start. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) isin every public airport. I am writing this to tell you that TSA does too much for too little. I say this because close to six billion people have been caught with firearms. And yet they stopped me, an eleven year old that flies out of the quietest public airport that I have been to. The reason why I got stopped was because of an eraser in my bag. I’m not saying to add more stuff and metal detector and X-rays. I’m saying to improve on what you have already.

This issue is important because 9/11 happened because of two commercial airlines including United flight number 175 and American flight number 77. They the towers were hijacked because minivan exploded in one of the underground parking garages, then two planes flew into the twin towers. This is a big deal with TSA because had no idea. This what I mean by too much for too little.

You may feel a little flustered with all these ideas, but, I have a solution. My idea is to enhance TSA training and make TSA employees train to detect things with not just the metal detectors but with TSA’s eyes. You as president comes in and improves on this big issue because like I said in the beginning the public safety is in your hands and flying has a dangerous outcome. This is how you need to improve.

Like I said we expect you to be constantly improving and making our Country a better place by making it a safer place. We expect this from you because everybody including people that didn't vote for you are now looking up to you. I hope that you consider my idea and see changes in the checkpoint.

With Honor,

Luke from Shelburne Vermont