This video is about how unpleasant school chairs are, and how difficult that makes learning.
We need to control gun violence
I ask the next president to take a look at a few issues concerning racism in the U.S.
Immigration is not a good thing for America, and I have a way to fix our immigration issues
The next president must be open minded about the LGBTQ community and must be accepting to all races thier choice of lifestyle and how they are .
Our military needs better funding
Gun law needs to be taken in action because around the United States there are other states that are forcing new laws upon areas into gun free zone...
Gun Laws should be more strict.
Raising the minimum wage will help to improve the lives of lots of US citizens.
There is one topic that really catches my attention, and I hope it catches your attention too. That topic would be gun control and violence.
Stop animal abuse and mistreatment in the U.S.
Dear Next President: Women's health isn't a game. How will your presidency respond to these issues?
Our mental illness program is not in very good state.
The minimium drinking age is too high and should be lowered.
We need to prevent these terrible injuries from happening.
My letter about how legalization of marijuana can positively impact our country
All people should be treated the same regardless of their sexuality.
Homework can cause family problems. It can cause stress and can affect your personal relationships.
Guns are a big problem in the USA. They are becoming more of a terror weapon and that's not right. We need to fix it.
This shows the how our country needs to improve in the aspects of control to prevent further internal issues.
The gun violence in America needs to stop. The future president needs to make sure that there is more background checks and protection.
The crime sentences are far too low and let the rich get away very easily with a good lawyer which is why punishments need to be harsher.
Dear future President, The economy is need of great help, in the state of Florida especially. As a resident of Florida and a voting citizen of the...
Many students lives are effectived by lack of sleep. There are many ways we can try to help students out with this problem.
Families are coming to the United States for a better life. Some families are still not able to find a really good job here because they are not U....
These days, student loans are quite high, total in the US is near 1 trillion dollars worth of just students repaying there College Tuition they hav...
The longer we ignore the state of our environment, the more detrimental it is to our future.
With my letter I want to bring a new problem to our new president with a fair solution.
We need to open our eyes to the issue that is known as homlesness
Illegal Immigration is a major problem in the Southwest States.
cancer research isn't getting enough money to become harmless
Gun Control in the USA needs to be more secure and protected.
A short letter expressing my concerns on the poverty in our nation.
Kids should be able to work
In this letter I discuss the many problems we have today with pet abuse and animal rights. I also talk about the solutions we can use to fix these...
Gun Control
Too many standardized tests are being put on students, and it stresses out not only that student but their teacher and quite possibly their school....
Since the end of the space race, funds for NASA have been declining resulting in delayed research, innovations, and voyages.
The cost of college is too high and we need to lower it.
Reuniting the United States through equality and peace.
It's time to encourage some reforms at the NCAA.
There are major problems with our current income tax system that allows massive tax breaks. A sales tax may be the solution.
Air, water, and noise pollution are becoming dangerous to the people and animals living on earth. To preserve the air people breathe, planting new ...
we have many students across the United states who need to be given the chance to shine in every way possible from how they get educated to the var...
Protect those who can't stand up for themselves.
Instead of rushing to make a decision regarding immigration, the American government should wait and see what happens.
Not only should some communities be cleaner and have better maintenance, but they should all be clean and well kept.
School start times need to be pushed back because of students' circadian rhythms and to increase productivity.
We need to be stricter on people coming to our country.
Immigration is a huge problem in the United States right now. There has to be a way to solve the problem.
Replacing Polarity Voting with Ranked Choice Voting.
In the upcoming election, we see a reoccurring theme of topics, yet mental health is almost never included. I'd like to change this, and treat ment...
Ideas and opinions on and how to stop gun violence.
Blighted buildings need to be repurposed to help with the economy and create a healthier environment. Not too many people take care of abandoned st...
Climate change has an immense effect of the planet.
Students are the same!!
Lots of the U.S. students have to deal with lots of homework. They also gets stressed very easy just because they want to do good in school.
The letter describes how loose gun laws currently are in our country and how stricter control over who can possess a gun will result in less grief ...
Differences in income cause the American education system to be biased against lower-income students.
Marijuana usage for medical reasons shouldn't be legalized. It's an offense Under Frederic law and can cause harm to those who use marijuana as a t...
The recent problem in immigration in the United States is rising fast. As for this, it’s causing many questions that need answers. The rise in the ...
In my letter to the next President, I argue that gun violence and police brutality is never the right answer.
In 1980, under 10% of US citizens had a 4-year college degree by the age 25. We need to raise this percentage, and create a way that is affordable,...
Biodegradable plastic can help reduce plastic waste.
The U.S. is far from perfect when it comes to immigration policy.
women and men should have equal pay, women have women rights but still do not get paid equal as a man which should be changed because gender should...
A suggestion list for the president and things too watch out for
Now's the time to look around and see what we can do for people who are searching for a hopeful future and trying to create a life that we take for...
Our video was written and produced last spring in conjunction with KQED's #whatsmyissue video campaign. It's time to insure equitable funding in ou...
Police brutality has increased a lot this year.
Bullying is a very bad thing that needs to be fixed, but with the help of you, Mr./Mrs.President, you can help.
My letter is about all the solutions that have come up to solve the immigration problem but in this letter I addressed how you can't use just one o...
Obesity in the U.S.
Animal testing needs to change
How will the next president use solar energy to meet our demanding energy requirements?
Basically my letter explains many topics that are important to me and others and that would affect us deeply.
In this letter, I will be talking about the increasing of college tuition and how it needs to be stopped quickly.
Immigration is a problem that people from different countries face.
Police Brutality toward black men is becoming more of a problem each and every day . We can't continue to allow these officers who swore to protect...
Howdy there Mr. Trump. Now that you are president I am writing this letter to address a certain issue. The issue that I have some concern for is Ob...
Illegal Immigration
I feel that students should be granted 2 free years of community college. Here's why...
This essay shows how people are struggling with medical debt today. They have very little money and most of them don't have the money to support t...
Homework is hard to do and it takes away from family time.
There is a problem in this world with segregation of transgender people whether it be religion or personal views.
There should be a limit to how much immigrants are admitted in the U.S. each year.
We need to change this current system or America will become bankrupt and what kind of a future would we have then?
Difference is a thing that we should embrace, not reject.
I like to address some issues I feel are important. Mostly for the younger people since they will be taking over the generation of adults soon. I f...
I believe more gun restrictions should be enacted such as background checks because people have been dying from gun related issues more than ever i...
We started climate change - now we need to stop it.
The Syrian Refugee crisis is a serious humanitarian crisis and the US needs to accept more refugees.
Mentally ill people are being blamed for gun by politicians and media violence when the real problem for gun violence is poverty.
Dealing with the negative stigmas associated with victims of sexual assault.
In today's society, a college education is a requirement for most jobs; however, the inflation of college tuition has created a massive financial b...
Every day, women across the country are being treated unequally. They are being paid less than a man for doing the same amount of work- and this is...
This is common sense.
Talks about school reformation.
Animals are being beaten, starved, and abused daily.