Nico Minnesota

The Earth is slowly dying

I am concerned about the Earth. The Earth is slowly dying as a result of climate change.


Dear President,

I am concerned about the Earth. The Earth is slowly dying as a result of climate change. More and more people are using gasoline fuels for cars, trucks, and machines. All of these fuels are slowly killing the Earth’s atmosphere, which creates global warming. Gases in the air pollute and destroy parts of the atmosphere. These gases are formed from emissions formed by burning these fuels. The outer rim of Greenland has reduced by a lot due to increased temperatures. I see these effects every year, every winter time and I love the snow. I am a snowboarder and the season seems to start later and later. I also care about the world and it is suffering. I am not the only one that is noticing this. There are a lot of people worried about this, but not enough action. There are scientists and engineers trying to come up with solutions. We need more help. We need to spread the word and this is where you come in. I need you to speak about this publicly.