Tommy Pennsylvania

Ban Homework!

Children are receiving way to much homework. We need to put a stop to this now!

                                                                                                                                                      October 11, 2016

Dear Future President,

I hope that you are aware of how much homework children are receiving each and every day. Does homework really help children at all? I have been doing homework my whole life, and it has not helped me in any way of some sort. I strongly believe homework should not be allowed in schools for these specific reasons.

Grades from K- 12 have all experienced homework before in their lives." It is by fact that 1 out of every 3 kids in the United States are over weight in any size or shape."This means children are staying too much time inside doing their homework and not exercising. Every kid that has been to school has done work in school, but why do we have to do work at home too? In a recent survey of if homework causes stress it tested that 95% of kids in 6th grade have experienced stress while doing homework .From kindergarten to the final years of high school, recent research suggests that some students are getting excessive amounts of homework."In turn, when students are pushed to handle a workload that’s out of sync with their development level, it can lead to significant stress — for children and their parents."I also believe that teachers should spend more time on the lesson that they are teaching than to grade homework because it wastes valuable learning time for the children. If homework eventually gets banned students will excel in not just school but how healthy their bodies will look not just on the outside but, on the inside.I also believe that teachers should spend more time on the lesson that they are teaching than to grade homework because it wastes valuable learning time for the children. If homework eventually gets banned students will excel in not just school but how healthy their bodies will look not just on the outside but, on the inside.I also believe that teachers should spend more time on the lesson that they are teaching than to grade homework because it wastes valuable learning time for the children. If homework eventually gets banned students will excel in not just school but how healthy their bodies will look not just on the outside but, on the inside.

Future President, I strongly encourage you to try to make laws to get rid of homework for ever. If you do succeed in this task you will be giving the United States children a large favor.

