Ian Louisiana

Racial Inequality in the U.S.

Colored Americans are not getting the fair treatment that white citizens are. Is this really a country where everyone is treated equally.

Dear future president,

Jimmy Carter, a former president, once said, “ I say to you quite frankly that the time for racial discrimination is over.” This may have been in the late 70’s, but it is also a rising conflict now. Racial inequality is everywhere in the U.S. and you need to change this. As the next president, one of the first things you need to look at is racial discrimination.

It is important to look at racial inequality because white Americans do not support the Black Lives Matter movement. Most people say that they are not racist and that skin color doesn’t matter. They lie. “More than “64% of white Americans do not support the Black Lives Matter movement.” This shows the disagreement from white Americans to black Americans, which you need to fix. Additionally, we should be concerned about the many recent shootings from white police officers to unarmed black people and that we should not base our opinions on the simple idea of a person’s skin color. For example, both black and white Americans are concerned about the police shootings in Dallas, but the level of concern drops significantly for the white citizens when it come to the shootings of men like Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. As I mentioned before, “ Both black and white Americans are VERY concerned about the shooting of the Dallas police officers. However, when it comes to the shootings of Castile and Sterling, White Americans’ strong concerns drop by 40%.” Alton Sterling and Philando Castile are black American men that got shot down because of their skin color. They didn’t even have a weapon. This is important because we are treating people by their skin color. Finally, even though about 74% of black Americans and 84% of white Americans say that their last police visits have been respectful, black citizens feel more threatened around officers. I mean, “ 62% of black Americans are very concerned about having a negative experience with a police officer while white people share this concern by only 28%. Black Americans are 250% more likely to feel scared or threatened when stopped by police.” That shows that police officers impose a bigger threat to blacks citizens than they do to white citizens. That is racial inequality 101 right there. All of this is from the article America Aligns On Possible Solutions For Improving Relations Between Black Americans And Police, And Neither Presidential Candidate Is One from http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?p=GPS&sw=w&u=jeff53810&v=2.1&it=r&id=GALE%7CA459891177&asid=1909ee5923316b55618a62b6f6dc2418

As I said earlier, Mr./ Mrs. President, racial inequality is a rising conflict that will only get worse if you do not use your influence to stop the misconduct. Yes, I am only a middle school student and too young to vote, but I see the problems of the actions from white Americans to black Americans. If this isn’t fixed, I fear that our country will crumble. Please take a stand against racial inequality so I can live in a country with equal people, no matter their skin color.


Ian S.