Skylar M.

Underpaid teachers

Teachers are underpaid

Dear future president,

Teachers, as you know are underpaid and underappreciated. Without teachers the world would fall apart; we as humans would lose all understanding of basic knowledge and become dumbfound. If teachers are so important, why are they being underpaid? This is a good question that I have yet to find a concrete answer for. Teachers of all levels are underpaid and it is a real problem considering without them, we would not have our doctors, lawyers, mechanics, and other jobs that are necessary for humans to live. These people are not born knowing how to perform surgeries, use the law, or fix a car from the ground up; someone is there to teach these skills.

Teachers in elementary and middle schools are responsible for forming the minds of young people and giving a student the essential skills needed to live day to day life. Not only do teachers provide an intellectual base for children, they are role models for their students to follow, thus they are also responsible partially for forming the character of their pupils. Because they are role models, they are an important step in a person’s life. The influence teachers have on a student is so large that they could change a person completely for better or worse. Teachers also must deal with ingrates, slow learners, and children with over confident egos. Balancing all these obstacles must be a very difficult job, maybe even one of the hardest. Somehow a teacher is able to keep her class running smoothly and fit everyone’s needs in some way or another.

Going into high school and college, teachers must have higher knowledge to keep up with the level a student is at. These mentors are imperative for a person to succeed at his or her selected profession. As stated previously, a doctor is not born knowing how to perform surgeries; they must learn the different parts of the body, how a surgery is performed, statistics, and then they must do hands on learning by people who are already doctors. Without someone there to tell people how a job is correctly performed, the human race would fall apart and become extinct.

It is arguable that teachers have one of the hardest jobs in the work force. They must know the material themselves and be able to explain it to others in an understandable way. They are responsible for teaching the people working in the world today, and they are responsible for the creation of future workers. Teachers, being paid between $43,000 and $48,000 annually depending what level and who they are teaching (“Average Salary for All K-12 Teachers,” 2016), should be paid more than they are now because of the points expressed


Average Salary for All K-12 Teachers. PayScale. October 22, 2016. Retrieved from>