The overview of animal cruelty
We should have a unique taxing way for each person, based on their monthly income.
Changes in the economy need to be made so that those at home and abroad can live generously
I think that the country should have more bike lanes.
Factory farming is a cruel and inhumane issue that needs to be stopped. These slaughterhouse workers treat these animals in a way that just seams i...
The minimum wage is certainly not enough to live on, resulting in impoverished areas across the US.
Dear Next President, Hate Immigration and this is a w...
We as a nation to work harder to reduce, or even eradicate homelessness in America.
We need to help the poor to live a better life.More than 1.3 billion people are poor and we need to help.
We can work together to help people get out of poverty
Homelessness is an issue to be taken care of.
An investigation of the homeleness of America.
The U.S. minimum wage is currently set at $7.25. Employees working at minimum wage are not able to support their families and are in poverty.
There is a way you can help these animals in puppy mills, dog fights, and animal hoarding.
Breeders are over breeding dogs and cats leaving the mother and puppies/kittens in poor health, causing people to bring them to shelters, where the...
There should be better programs that help the homeless get jobs. Donations and funding toward the programs can help decrease homelessness.
Homelessness needs to be reduced.
This letter explains why animal testing doesn't work and why we should stop it.
I think guns are too easy to buy or get. My paragraph is shows numbers and stats of death by guns. In my paragraph I talk about people who are ment...
Dear Future President, Robert Driskill My name is Robert Driskill...
There are so many abused animals all around the world that just want a home and some love. In my persuasive letter, I am asking the future presiden...
Mentally ill people are being blamed for gun by politicians and media violence when the real problem for gun violence is poverty.
Each year, more than 100 million animals—including mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds—are kill...
I believe all people should be able to live in a stable home.
There are so many homeless people in the world. And no matter what the cause of their homelessness, no one should feel any less human.
There should be bigger consequences for competing in dog fights and the use of illegal drugs to enhance dog's behavior and body structure. Dog figh...
Guns are to easy to get and kill lots of people.
It is finally my turn to be going off to college soon, I am extremely excited, I've been waiting my whole life for this. The safety on college camp...