Elora R. Virginia

Methane Emissions 2016

I am writing to you about the problems facing the world regarding methane emissions.

October 24th, 2016

Future President

The President of the United States of America

Dear President,

Greetings, my name is Elora Rakes. First, I want to start with congratulating you on your victory. I understand you have campaigned very hard to get to the place you are today, and for that reason I look up to you. Now that you are President, I’m sure you’re very overwhelmed. I thank you for spending the time to read my letter of concern. I would like to inform you of the methane emission problem that faces the United States of America each and every day.

You should understand that methane emissions are rapidly increasing. This increase is causing a negative change to the environment. Throughout my recent research, I have discovered that the former President, Obama, believed the U.S. should cut methane emissions from further hurting the world. On another note, my acquired statistics state that 300 organizations are calling for large hydropower to be eliminated from climate initiatives. By working to eliminate dirty hydropower we would be creating clean and safe drinking water (“Dams linked to methane emissions”).

There are several other reasons that should be brought to your attention about methane emissions. The oil and gas industries are resisting methane regulations, which will only lead to an increasing level of greenhouse gases (“U.S. Is Set to Propose Regulation”) (“EPA's proposed rules to cut methane emissions from oil and gas”). Yes, methane emissions are beneficial to some successful businesses, but this should not be at the loss of a healthy environment. Within my studies I have learned a lot about fossil fuels causing methane leaks (Harvey). Methane emissions are slowly destroying the air we breathe and the water we drink.

I hope this will sway you to deal with the matter, especially knowing that the former President was concerned.

Please take into consideration the many problems methane emissions are causing. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible, for the numbers are only increasing. I hope the provided evidence will sway you to deal with the matter as soon as you can find time in your busy schedule. I appreciate your time very much. Congrats again on such an exciting position and I was wish you the best of luck in the future.



Work Cited

"Dams linked to methane emissions: How dirty is 'clean' hydropower?" Christian Science Monitor 29 Sept.

2016. Student Resources in Context. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.

Davenport, Coral. "U.S. Is Set to Propose Regulation to Cut Methane Emissions." New York Times 18

Aug. 2015: B2(L). Student Resources in Context. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.

"EPA's proposed rules to cut methane emissions from oil and gas operations a 'good first step' but states

must do more, say leaders from Pennsylvania and Ohio." PR Newswire 29 Sept. 2015. Student

Resources in Context. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.

Harris, Gardiner, and Coral Davenport. "Obama Proposes Cuts to Methane Emissions." New York Times

19 Aug. 2015: A14(L). Student Resources in Context. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.

Harvey, Chelsea. "Scientists may have solved a key mystery about the world's methane

emissions."Washingtonpost.com 13 Sept. 2016. Student Resources in Context. Web. 3 Oct.


Eastern View High School

AP Language & Composition

AP Language & Composition students (11th grade) from Eastern View High School in Culpeper, VA are tasked with researching platforms, crafting political cartoons or pieces of satire, and writing letters and op-eds

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