Mr. President, My name is Sarina Shiflett, i am in high school and i live in northern Virginia. The topic i have decided to discuss is your ch...
The reasoning behind keeping the Second Amendment
Lessening human harm
Gun Control is strict enough as it is and it doesn't need to be even more strict, it should stay how it is.
Economic inequality
Religiously speaking, god had stated that we are not to murder.
We need more secure borders in the United States
Education is very important to all citizens, and it is important that everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of income and race.
This letter is about the prevalence of rape culture in our society today, what that means, and how to combat it.
I am writing this letter to you because I have taken an interest in the United State’s relationship with foreign countries.
Abortion needs to be rethought
Illegal immigration and terrorism is affecting are country.
I am writing to inform you of issues in our country that I believe should be fixed. It arose in New York City’s Police Department and it involves t...
Why do people judge other people on what they wear and how they look?
Abortion is a safe way for women to terminate a pregnancy and the government should not be able to tell women if they can or can't have an abortion.
We need more orphanages.
Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
Abortion laws should be changed for the better and not be allowed to harm an innocent child.
After school programs help lots of girls and boys stay out of trouble and help kids with homework and tutoring. After school programs also might he...
A letter to the President discussing world hunger and the causes.
Immigration law should be such that illegal immigrants who, and only who, have committed felonious crimes are deported.
This letter is about the struggles of teens in the LGBT community and how social and domestic support is important for their development in their t...
Long have the voices of the LGBT community been silenced in this country. This marginalized group that has just as much say as the next, in actuali...
Sports induced concussions
Drug use is a huge epidemic and needs to be prevented.
The high costs of college.
Violence Toward Police
Global warming is a big issue that affects the people, environment and world. If it does stop now, results would be catastrophic
As a country, we need to decrease the amount of police violence towards black and innocent people.
The discrimination of a large group of people based on their gender identity.
Hello Future President of The United States my name is Nick. I would like to know what you will be doing with gun control while you are ou...
Letter discusses the issue of sexual assault on college campuses.
I believe that school food should be changed because the school food is fake, nasty, and some of it is unhealthy.
We have one earth and we need to take care of it.
A plea for those without voices
Letter about immigration
Syrian refugees should not be allowed into the United States to decrease terrorism.
Police need more respect.
Depression is a national issue that needs more attention.
Marijuana should be legal.
Gun control is strict enough as is and should not be changed.
The minimum wage should be raised to $10.10 ( rather than the current $7.25 because young Americans need a reliable income, and ra...
yes, ALL LIVES MATTER; but for right now BLACK LIVES MATTER and are the ones at stake.
The amount of sexual abuse on college campuses, and in general, is overwhelmingly large and is overlooked.
LGBTQ+ youth are at an all time high for suicide rates due to the overwhelming stresses of being themselves.
Middle East
What can be done to decrease crime rates and overcrowding?
Learning without debt
The letter describes how loose gun laws currently are in our country and how stricter control over who can possess a gun will result in less grief ...
This letter is expressing my concern for the rising healthcare cost.
A letter to Donald Trump.
Defending the 2nd amendment responsibly
College tuition is constantly increasing, and college grad will often live in massive student debt for a large part of their lives.
What decision will you make?
Our future president needs to take action to stop systemic racism
letter about fats, sugars, and serving sizes
America's problem with gun control
Gun Control is a huge problem in the united states probably the biggest problem. I feel the only way to fix all of the gun violence is to stop ill...
Climate change is harming the environment, and this is what we can do to help our planet.
There has been a large spike in the amount of line of duty deaths across the country.
I believe that the cost of college should be lowered or it made free due to all the lasting effects the high prices leave graduates with.
a letter about a fair tax system
Individuals in the U.S. should be aware of what food is being put in their bodies through GMO labeling.
Fund Planned Parenthood: Women should be able to make decisions about their own bodies.
Hypothetical letter to President Hillary Clinton regarding Latino immigration legislation if Clinton were to win the presidential election.
Everyday, innocent people are dying in Syria and terrorism is spreading worldwide. However, the United States is not effectively dealing with the ...
Honey bee endangerment
Although I am a few years behind the voting age, there is a problem that i see within the system that makes me, and my fellow peers, not want to vo...
Standardized testing in the school system
Early Childhood Education issues have become a huge setback for students and teachers in the United States and something needs to change.
Illegal immigration is a huge problem in today's society and something needs to be done about it. Able bodied illegals pour into our country and re...
Our military does more than what we could ever do to protect our freedoms and liberties that we cherish. Yet, they are underpaid and put in stressf...
Marijuana is the most used illegal drug in America, so I have come up with a few solutions as to how you can make it legal, but also have more cont...
Restrictive Gun legislation is causing honest Americans to have to choose between protecting themselves, and breaking the law as crime rates increa...
A letter to our next president about the issue of terrorism outside of the U.S.
Make it Better
How to satisfy the American public, without encroaching upon our rights to carry.
Reasons it is essential to raise minimum wages in the United States
Upper 1% controls 39% of United States' wealth.
Reasons why medical marijuana should be legalized in all 50 states of the U.S.A.
Women have always been undervalued and underpaid, this is 21st century America where equality is harped on daily. Lets start making a change for th...
Reason that God needs to be brought back into the school system.
we have a growing America, lets bring the new, old, similar and opposing together.
This is an essay showing the reasons why creating a law forcing companies to hire women and minorities, would be a terrible idea.
Due to occupational differences, hour differences, and family care-giving proves that the push for the close of the gender wage gap should be need...
After School Makes a Difference!
The First Amendment is not upheld fully in the American School System. This needs to be changed to make our country all it needs to be.
Illegal immigration is increasing, but only because they aren't given equal treatment. With a change in how the U.S. accepts immigrants, the illega...
Being a topic overlooked and understated, human trafficking is a huge problem in our world today.
The issue with drug abuse, specifically heroin, in the country will be discussed in this letter to the president.
Statistics and reasoning for why and how mental/emotional health should be integrated into schools.
Our veterans are not being treated right.
Home made moon shine should be able to be made when you want to.
Reasons why Illegal immigration needs to be taken more serious.
My letter has to do with the idea of a more popularly accurate and personal way of government, the state and local government should have a larger ...