Josh W. Virginia

Military Expansion

A theory of how the United States Military should be run.

Dear future president,

Congratulations on your accomplishment of being president of the greatest country in the world. I have a particular opinion on the issue of military expansion. I have some viewpoints on the issue and it would be appreciated if you could look into them. There is roughly 1.49 million people in the active U.S. armed forces today. In other terms, there are 1.49 million people risking their lives every day and night to keep the prestigious American country safe from external as well as internal attacks. The U.S. has the second largest military in the world; right behind China who has a active military of about 2.33 million. A invasion is an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force (, 2010). In the last 72 years, there has not been a single invasion inside or out of either of these two countries. Many believe that this directly because of the mass of both of the country’s militaries.

The stronger military that a nation has, the more safe and protected that country will be. Many think it would be extremely logical to build up a big and strong naval force, air force, as well as ground forces. All parts of the military should be highly trained and in big numbers. Some think that we should have a bigger ground force then a air force or naval force. For the last fifty years, most militaristic fighting has happened on the ground, however; if one nation had one big ground force, but a not as strong naval force, wouldn't they go for the part of that military that is the weakest? For example, one day China decides that the 1.241 trillion dollars that the U.S. owes them is to much and they do not think the U.S. are going to be able to pay it back and they decide to declare war on the U.S. Talking about China, Julie Makinen once said “Wow, even in 2020 they’ll still be 20 years behind the U.S. military.” (Makinen) Though the U.S. may be more advanced than they are, they have 846 thousand troops than the U.S. does. So, if the U.S. builds a big ground force and they is expecting a ground war, they could be hit in the air or at sea where they are the weakest. All in all, the U.S. needs to have a strong military in all of the branches, not just in one.

The ideal military to many, would very big and filled with nationalism. The bigger the military the better, but it is not very logical to have a big military, but the people within do not want to be serving. Many people feel that if a military has people in it that were forced to be in it, they will not be as useful as people who really fight and have a big sense of nationalism. Citizens that want to really want to protect this country and will do anything in there power to keep the U.S. safe and protected, are who we need in the military. Those types of people are often taken for granted by the American people. They are the true heroes of our country; not a famous movie actor nor sports player. The people that risk their lives every day and night are the people the military needs. There has been many of them in the past, there fighting right now, and there are more to come. They are the people that will keep the greatest country in the world safe from internal and external attacks.

I hope you take these view points on the opinion I have on military expansion. I believe a big military will serve this country the best. I wish you the best of luck the next four years and I hope this letter will will be taken into consideration.



Eastern View High School

AP Language & Composition

AP Language & Composition students (11th grade) from Eastern View High School in Culpeper, VA are tasked with researching platforms, crafting political cartoons or pieces of satire, and writing letters and op-eds

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