Cierra H. Virginia


Abortion should be illegal because it denies the fetus its natural rights to live, and some may think it is a form of contraception.

Future President,

     My name is Cierra Hanna. There are many topics being discussed currently in the presidential debate. Gay marriage, what the minimum wage should be, and abortion. Thirty eight percent of people voting believe that abortion is pro-life. Abortion should be illegal because it denies the fetus its natural rights to live, and some may think it is a form of contraception.

     One point six million abortions were performed in 2011. In the United States Constitution, it says that all men are created equal with certain rights, life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If a fetus is considered a life, isn't it illegal to kill it? Students from The University of California stated that,"If the pregnancy is the result of carelessness on the mother’s part (i.e., she did not take the proper precautionary measures to effectively prevent an unintended pregnancy), she should have to deal with the consequences." Meaning that many young girls see it as a form of birth control. Should young girls really have this mind set?

     The nation as a whole should take steps to make abortion illegal. As the next president, you should look into what abortion really does. You should make pregnancy classes in high schools mandatory so young girls will know what they are truly thinking about, while using abortion as a contraceptive. Thank you future president for listening,and please help.