Michael G. New Jersey

Tablet E-books are better than heavy books!

I will talk about why in my opinion tablets are better then paper books.

Dear President Elect, Donald Trump 

I am Michael G and I want to scrap heavy textbooks for light e-books. When moving classes these textbooks can be very tiring to carry around especially when you drop your books in the middle of the hallway and then be late for class because you have to pick up all the heavy textbooks. The e-books are very light and very easy to move around, one tablet can carry over a 1000 eBooks,it only takes up 1 GB of space and a average tablet carries around 8 to 6 GB of space. Trying to carry one or two textbooks is heavy enough a tablet can hold over a 1000 eBooks. Have you ever ripped your textbook page or made a mistake, well the e-books cant get ripped or if you made a mistake you can edit without any erasing marks. On E-books you can even watch helpful videos if you don't get the lesson or need help. During 2011-2012 school year more than 13,700 us children aged 5 to 18 were treated in hospitals due to backpack related injuries but with light tablets you won't have to worry about your backpack being to heavy. I hope you do look into this problem and change big paper textbooks to light e-books for our schools around america.

From Michael G.