Jobs To Pay Off College?
If college costs can't be lowered, think of another plan.
Dear Future President,
Imagine you didn't go to college...just think? Would you have been elected for president? You've had a pretty good career so far, especially after getting elected president. What if you couldn't afford college like many other people whose dream is to go to college and have a great career but they just can't afford. You can still run but when people find out that you didn't go to college you will probably lose. The price of college costs too much money for people to handle. says that a public two-year college for in-district students can cost $3,440 in tuition and fees, a public four-year college for in-state students could cost $9,410 in tuition and fees, a public four-year college for out-of-states students could cost $23,890 in tuition and fees, and a private four-year college could cost $32,410 in tuition and fees. Also explains what your actually paying for in some colleges like tuition: The cost of taking courses. Room and Board: Lodging and food costs vary by school. Books and school supplies: Books can be expensive. School supplies include *book bags *notebooks *Pens & pencils *paper and computer paper and *desk accessories such as folders, trays, and pen holders. Fees: Fees include activity fees and parking decal fees, schools could have many different fees. Equipment and room materials: a computer and printer, a reading lamp, a microwave and sheets, towels, etc. lastly, there's travel and miscellaneous transportation expenses: *if you commute to school, include transportation costs. *If you live on campus, include travel during school breaks. *You should also include clothing and cell phone costs. Some of the things listed are not required but are gonna come in handy for your years in college.
You might be thinking, " Well, the price of everything you are required to have, cant be lowered." I have a possible solution for that. What if you could just work for the price of college. So when you get accepted into a college you would pay the tuition needed to pay (unless you really need help paying the tuition), for all other costs the students will have to work on or off campus. The students will be assigned a job that will help pay off the rest of the expenses and a specific class time/period to be able to work. Once the extra costs are paid the student may either quit or keep working for extra money. More than half of America's population cant afford college but if all they needed to do was get accepted and work while going to school more people would go to college. If a student could afford college of course they don't have to work but they can. But all students who are assigned jobs and don't work should get kicked out of school. All money from the jobs that students owe automatically go to the college.
Hopefully you will read this letter and consider the changes I Talk about in the letter.