National Debt
National Debt
National Debt
Dear President Elect Trump,
I think national debt is an important topic that is overlooked by candidates and the citizens in general. National debt is an important topic because it has raised over 50% to 19.5 trillion since 2008, under Obama’s leadership. When National debt is raised so are our taxes I, and most other Americans find this unfair because in most states gas and other things are already being heavily taxed and it is clearly not fixing our debt problem. If this continues poverty rates will go up and people will have no money which will be horrible for the economy.Our current president is doing nothing to pay pay China and the other countries we owe money to meaning you are our only hope.
As an american I am concerned because relationships with other countries are getting worse since we owe them money we don’t have. I would like a good solution to this problem since it is a big one.