acr Michigan

Reducing chemicals into the air

Reducing chemicals into the air/ways to help with the problem.


3rd hour


Reducing the amount Carbon emissions

Dear future president

Every hour a plant or animal species becomes extinct form deforestation(Debra miller). Which in doing that also releases carbon dioxide into the air in which destroys our atmosphere with in turns hurts us because the atmosphere is like a shield against the sun. So when we start destroying the shield more of the sun hits us which means more radiation is hitting everything on because the burning of fossoil fuels And the releasing of carbon dioxoide is destroying the envirnment we should use more alternitive energy sourse so we can limit the amount of harmful things into the evnirnment.

Firstly, here is what I am thinking, I think that if burning fossil fuels and releasing carbon is bad and destroying the earth i think we should switch to alternative energy source.”people who have studied this find you can get your first 20-30 percent of greenhouse-gas cuts without making significant economic trade offs”(Debra miller).what this is saying is if we cut the amount of greenhouse-gas(carbon dioxide) by 20 -30 percent from factories and other stuff that emits carbon dioxide that the business will not have any money decrease with in doing so. Anuther example of what I am getting at is let's just say you are cooking and you go grab the pan and it burns you, are you just going to pick it up what will happen is you will figure out a new way to grab the pan so this can compare to the relaeing of carbon because we know that it is hurting us but we keep ding it without fixing the problem.this is why the burning of fossoil fuels and the releasing of carbon dioxoide is destroying the envirnment and we should use more alternitive energy sourse so we can limit the amount of harmful chimicals into the evnirnment.

Secondly, The other side to this problem is the releasing of carbon dioxide and the burning of fossilIs is not of the papers that I found had a negitive perseptivie on this topic of realseing chemicals into the atmosophere and it said. “The average global temperatures have increased by approximately one-half of 1 degree celsius since 1881. This is not likely due to human activity, since most of the increase occurred prior to world war 2”( Adler, Jonathan H).what this is saying is that for more than 100 years the temperature has only increased by only 1 degree and that it is not a problem.also some people say that alternative is to expansive and why should they spend a lot of money on this problem.

Lastly. My answer to these questions is when we are releasing these harmful chemicals into our atmosphere it is destroying it and making more radiation hit the earth like it says in this document.”The ozone,deflects of the sun's ultraviolet radiation. When NASA scientists gathered data about the ozone from a satellite ,They discovered that the ozone layer was thinner than ten years earlier. The satellite also discovered a hole in the ozone layer that allows ultraviolet radiation to penetrate the atmosphere”(Debra miller). What this is saying is that from burning fossil fuels and releasing chemical we have been destroying are atmospheres and we have already made a hole in it where people can get high concentration of radiation from the sun. so releasing these chemical may not increase the temperature much but they are destroy our atmosphere which directly hurts us with the radiation from the sun.The releasing of carbon dioxide is destroying the environment we should use more alternative energy source so we can limit the amount of harmful chemicals into the environment.

In Conclusion, all I can tell you is that it is never too late fix this problem all we must do is work together and decrease the amount of harmful chemicals that are released into our what I am thinking is we start out by cutting the amount of chemicals released by 30 percent and use more alteritive energy and to figure out new ways to get energy without releaseing a bunch of chemicals.The releasing of carbon dioxide is destroying the environment we should use more alternative energy source so we can limit the amount of harmful chemicals into the environment.