Steven T. Texas

Middle Class

The infrastructure of the country hurts the middle class and trust between the government and the people is a weak chain

Dear Future President,

This country is changing, everyone knows that; some of it is for the better and some of it is not so much. But I think that we all can agree that we need an equal field for people to supply for themselves or their families. Wage classes are getting more spread out, everyone knows that and especially the middle class because all the rules and regulations are hurting the middle classes since most of the class is barely getting through their taxes with having enough money to spend on their children so that they can have a better future.

If the more fortunate or wealthy had a certain tax to apply to then it would be fair because not only that they serve as a role model but they also do their part in helping the country than the middle class doing most of the work of the taxes.


Steven T


KHS Miller Pre AP

Eng I

9th Grade English Students

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