The National Park Predicament
On the issue of preserving the integrity of the National Park System
To whichever candidate it may concern, I am here to "speak for the trees". Seeing as though our National Park Service has recently celebrated its centennial anniversary and there have been many calls for improvement and expansion, I believe that some attention should be paid to a program that preserves the beauty and history of our nation. As you probably know, national parks are federally owned land, which means that to create new parks and improve the already existing ones, it would require the expenditure of money. But, instead of seeing this as a cost, we should view it as an investment in our future. Not only do national parks preserve American culture and nature, they are an ample source of income for states. Virginia's parks for example, generated 870.9 million dollars in just visitor spending. With better funding and appreciation for our national parks, it will create a better and significantly more beautiful America. This is how we will truly make America great again.
Molly R.