9th Grade English Students
We need to do something about this. We must take a stand and not let this big problem go.
No matter how old, young, or what the color of your skin is, all lives matter.
Teachers are the guideline to our life. They are underpaid and unappreciated.
The safety of Americans is being put at risk when we let Syrian refugees into our country.
Abortion in America should be illegal. The killing of a person is murder. It shouldn’t matter if a child hasn't taken its first breath of air, its...
Abortion should be kept legal and safe for every woman who needs it.
This letter discusses the need of change to our current situation in regards to homelessness. Read about how we can change our country as a whole.
Why the Police gotta be so bad towards minorities.
The illegalization of marijuna shouldn't be taken away, but should be controlled.
The clash of opinions and war of words that ensues during debates concerns me. Listening to the other side and truly learning from them is the key ...
Police brutality is becoming a big problem facing America. Especially when it involves life and death.
My letter will be discussing a very heated topic right now in politics. There needs to be something done about this horrific procedure.
The rights of the LGBT community and defending their equality.
Greyhoud racing is unethical, and it needs to stop.
Police brutality is an onging issue in the United States. Police brutlity is a bigger issue than we let on because it is an issue that involves dea...
describing the concerns of water scarcity and ways to solve it
To build agreater economy and safer country we can not let Syrian refueges in.
Abortion should be illegal.
support the hard working police
We need to win the war on terrorism.
Testing on animals is wrong
Minimum wage is hurting both small and large businesses, and it needs to stop.
The guns we own or have can cause a lot of shoot out for defense or it ca be a gang fight.
Climate change is slowly killing our planet, and we must do something about it.
About how its important to lower are debt. And what could happen if we dont.
This letter is to inform about the high percentage of obesity; the increse risk of gaining diabetes, in high school lunches and to pursuede and sho...
We are running out of fossil fuels and at a very fast rate. Will the next president make the differences that need to be made? Or will they just pa...
The next president in office must destroy the Terrorist in the Middle East before they destroy us.
Teenage Pregnancy
Women and men are getting raped/ sexually assualted overseas
We need to put a stop to terrorism.
This page is about why texting and driving should be a law in the United States. It is a very serious issue that isn't getting enough attention in ...
Citizens in America need to be able to carry around guns.
Pornagraphy is destroying our youth's futures.
Climate change exists and we need to do something about it.
Why I believe Abortion is a major problem
America's Immigration Laws need Revising
The United States of America has legalized abortion and the consequences are horribe for our nation.
There is an argument for legalizing marijuana that it can’t hurt you and that there are many medical benefits. But the people who believe this are ...
The US should be more strict reguarding illegal immigrants in our country.
Standardized Testing is hurting many students futures, and it needs to be abolished.
A healthier lifestyle should not have to be a hardship for the less privileged.
The U.S. has legalized Medical Marijuana in 25 states, but will the remaining half of the United States follow?
National Debt is a serious problem that needs to be fixed.
Many people in the military are not being funded as much as they should be for the sacrifices they are making for others and their country.
College tuition should be lowered because it should be more affordable to the average American family without them going into major debt.
I believe that our national debt is getting out of hand each year on a tramendence amount of money. I know our next president can help this problem...
Everyone has the right to go to a great college and have it be affordable.
This country needs to change the standards of "healthy".
Babies are not part of a mother's body.
I think that schools need better options to give to their students to eat at lunch because most of the options are not healthy or variety.
In order for our country to grow we must create new and better innovations and inventions. For these innovations and inventions to happen we must p...
War needs to be taken control of, Soldier's lives need to be preserved.
Colleges are getting more expensive and harder to get into as time progresses.
Pollution is destroying our planet and we need to make a change.
There should be equal pay for everyone in America and we need our next President to change that.
The difference in pay for the caretakers of our youth
The gender wage gap is evident and I want to know if there is something the government can do to eliminate it
The issue of drug abuse in our country is dramatically increasing and we need help to end It.
I believe that the United States of America should never discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community.
Animals all over the world suffer every single day. What would you do about the abuse of animals?
The infrastructure of the country hurts the middle class and trust between the government and the people is a weak chain
Transgenders need to have as much representation and respect as much as any other american citizen!
Guns are very big in America, but not always for the right reason.
Standardized testing is a problem.
Gun laws in the US. They are not what they need to be, and not what they once were. We need to come up with new laws, that do are legitimate and sm...
We must stop texting and driving!
America needs to prevent illegal immigration.
The wage gap is terrible for our economy and we need to make a change.
I talk about how we should change immigration and give everyone a chance to join the country
the multinational coorperations that have started in America are moving overseas and taking American jobs with them.
I write about how wage gap is a serious problem affecting millions of Americans in the United states and how we can change it.