Jacob K. Minnesota

2nd Amendment Research Ban

Banning research on anything is wrong.

Dear Future President,

I am writing this because of an issue, that I believe only has one solution.

We all have different views on the 2nd amendment. I am not certain on which side I stand myself. Some of us think that everyone should own a gun and take care of his/her own. Some of us think that giving all civilians control over life and death is a terrible decision. I’m not writing this to discuss these things with you.

An intelligent way of reaching a decision to settle a dispute is to research it, in order to reach a well-informed side to it. However, the National Rifle Association has effectively made it impossible to research anything related to an armed populace through several loopholes and threats. We all may not agree with scientific discoveries, but denying the scientific method entirely and viewing experiments to gain knowledge as ‘harmful’ is wrong.

A ban on research relating to a controversial subject is absolute idiocy. Debating it becomes like trying to describe a painting while wearing a blindfold. We need concrete data to debate a point, not just “I think this!” and “Take my word for it!”. Banning knowledge is denying logic itself, and denying logic breeds conflict and chaos. This ban needs to be isolated and removed as soon as possible, because denying the pursuit of logic is without doubt, the path of destruction for any and all civilizations.

Thank you for your time.

Jacob Kinney

Henry Sibley High School


Ms. Temple's classes

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