Adrian.R Kentucky

Our Economy is Failing

America’s long-term future as an honorable, respected democracy requires that all of us - not just the government - change our ways. There are no shortcuts. We need courageous leadership from you. Our Economy is failing fast.

Adrian R

Louisville, KY 40208

October 25, 2016

Dear Mr. / Mrs. President;

Congratulations on your successful win, during the campaign; you agreed the need for change. America’s long-term future as an honorable, respected democracy requires that all of us - not just the government - change our ways.  There are no shortcuts. We need courageous leadership from you. Our Economy is failing fast.  Here are a few things that you said would help our Economy: Maybe it would come easier to our country if we broke down each issue so they could get a better understating of it, like this:

I understand some people think that giving tax cuts to some and not all is unfair, well its not if you understand how it will work and also affect our economy. It will help fund more scientific research and help more woman get into the workforce that being by requesting companies to pay for family leave. Since woman usually run the household and are a giant pillar to their family being counted on 100% giving them a leave that is approved by the company they work for will help save there job when any emergency arises and let them have a job when they come back, which allows them to continue to make money and help their families, so they will not get fired!

  • The Collage Affordability Plan will refinance debt and pay states to guarantee tuition, so that students who cant afford to go to collage and learn more to get a better job and help our country when they get older, this helps tremendously in the end for the students family and our country. Also these will help our economy, a “Win Win” for all!
  • The National Infrastructure Plan will allocate money for our roads, bridges, buses, rail, airports, and water systems. That’s a whole lot of help if you ask me; we need improvements in all those areas, it will benefit our county for these improvements to be done, that’s a no brainier??
  • The Fair Growth Plan, will raise minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour, increase the benefits for employees, encourage company’s to share profits with employees, invest in our school and suppose credit unions and banks.
  • Long Term Growth, In the short of it, this tax increase would combat by increasing short term capital gains taxes for those people earning $400,000 or more a year, the top 0.5 of people who pay taxes. Investments held one and two years would be taxed at the maximum Income of 39.6. Assets held longer would be taxed on a scale from 36 percent for those that were held for longer 2-3 years.
  • Tax Proposals to pay for these initiatives, Clinton would raise some income taxes. She would add a 4 percent surcharge on income above $5 million a year. She would mandate a minimum 30 percent tax rate for those gaining $1million a year. She would restore the estate tax to 2009 levels. Also extend the statue of limitations for financial crimes.
  • Foreign Relations and Defense combating terrorism with improved intelligence instead of troops. For example, agencies would use social media posts to identify terrorists. Visa applications would require full screenings for those who have moved to terrorist countries. Operations officers and linguists would be added to U.S. intelligence agencies.


Adrian R


Pacesetters Block 3 Social Studies

Pacesetters Block 3 Social Studies

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